Mar 30, 2004 07:46
Now= 7am!!!!!
Current Mood: T~I~R~E~D
Current Music: None (ew) Just the sound of friggen birds outside (double ew)
Current Taste: Mouthwash & Toothpaste...yum yum yum
Current Hair: If you could only see me now! Man I need a haircut...
Current Clothes: Hoody and shorts
Current Annoyance: Birds outside chip chirping away
Current Smell: nothingg
Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing: Sleeping...ok hw really but i dont want to and you cant make me!
Current Windows Open: This and AIM
Current Desktop Picture: Well Im on Stef's computer so its a FABULOUS picture of the great grandma Fannie!!!!
Current Crush: crush? HA
Current Hate: Ignorance
=Do I=
Smoke?: No
Read The Newspaper?: all the time
Have Any Gay Or Lesbian Friends?: queers ha ;)
Believe In Miracles?:Only time will tell
Believe It's Possible To Remain Faithful Forever?: I am told anything is possible so we will see...
Consider Yourself Tolerant Of Others?: Um yea!
Consider Love A Mistake?: Not in a million years
Like The Taste Of Alcohol?: on the beach= good....jager=not so good
Have A Favorite Candy?: Get this Ella--->regular gummy bears and 100 Grand!
Have An Obsession?: wouldnt you like to know!
Wish On Stars?: All the time...still waiting for them to come true though
=Love Life=
First Crush: Nacho Man
First Kiss: Oh God not sure I even my bf from 3rd grade maybe
Single Or Attached?: Attached like a siamese twin
Describe Your Ideal Significant Other: Funny, hot, kind, understanding and far from perfect, yet perfectly everything that I need them to be
=Juicy Stuff=
Have You Ever Played A Game That Required Removal Of Clothing?: No but better believe that I watched lol
Have You Ever Been Intoxicated?: If by intoxicated you mean drunk...then yes
Favorite Place To Be Kissed?: plant it anywhere, just do it like you mean it!
You Ever Been Caught "Doing Something?": Im not going to even get into that...
Are You A Tease?: Hell Naw
Shy To Make The First Move?: Im a lil shy one
=Word Association=
Rubber: gag
Rock: Star
Green: Envy
Wet: drenched
Cry: violin
Peanut: snickers
Hey: MA
Cold: hearted snake
Steamy: Broccoli
Fast: Car
Rain: Shower
Fuck: Me
Blow: Hard
Hair: Dark Brown, Spikey
Height: 5'8"
=Last Thing You:=
Bought: Chinese food and a 2 liter bottle of Coke
Ate & Drank: Chinese food and a 2 liter bottle of Coke lol
Talked To: Stef
Hugged: Stef
Instant Messaged: Deneen
Kissed: Stef
Eat: Everywhere, the car, my room, class, work, home!
Cry: There's no crying in LJ
Wish You Were: Begins with an H and ends in an I
Dated One Of Your Best Friends?: lol um ya
Loved Somebody So Much It Made You Cry?: yup again
Broken A Bone?: Nope
Played Truth Or Dare?: :)
Kissed Someone You Didn't Know?: I would never ew... ok just once, or twice
Been In A Fight?: Lets get ready to rummmmmmbbbbbblllle
Come Close To Dying?: Yes almost choked to death on a penny when i was like 5, had to get the himeleck done and i could only eat ice cream and jello for a week.
The Most Embarrassing CD In Your Collection?: me embarrassed...never
Your Bedroom Like?: used to have pictures of amazingly hot people all over the walls, but this yr the walls are room is naked :o
Your Favorite Thing For Breakfast? Eggs (3), Ham, Bacon, sausage, toast, beans, oj, kielbasa, and perhaps some cinnamon toast crunch....yum great hearty breakfast right there
What's On Your Bedside Table?: computer, that doest really work, and its not a table per say but rather a big rubbermaid container that is big enough to hold my crapola computer
What Is Your Secret Guaranteed Weeping Movie?: What movie dont I cry in jeeze
If You Could Have Plastic Surgery, What Would You Have Done?: im perfect ew
What Is Your Biggest Fear?: not being truly happy in life
What Feature Are You Most Insecure About?: flab ass
What Do You Carry With You At All Times?: a few lucky charms...u know just in case i get hungry...jk, theyre special
Do You Talk A Lot?: . . .