
Apr 10, 2009 22:54

absence_oflight, a BtVS/Ats awards site dedicated to dark and angsty fiction. Winners of Round One will be announced soon. Round Two will begin accepting nominations in August.
rwsawards, a BtVS/Ats general awards site. Currently in Found Five.
thejossbulletin, a bulletin for all things Joss, published weekly.
forbiddenawards, a multi-fandom (including BtVS/Ats) awards site dedicated to adult fiction.
buffyrareslash, a BtVS/Ats site for rare slash pairings.
rarebtvs, a BtVS/Ats site for rare pairings.
slashthedrabble, a multifandom site with weekly slash challenges. 100-word drabbles and ficlets of 200, 300, 400 or 500 words accepted.
slashtheimage, a multifandom site with biweekly image slash challenges.
Shades of Grey Awards, a BtVS/Ats general awards site. Rounds occur twice yearly. Popular vote.
nha_fic, a Willow-centric fanfiction community.
btvs_ats_100, a BtVS/Ats drabble challenge community.
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards, a BtVS/Ats fanfiction general award site. Several rounds a year. Popular vote.
Willowy Goodness Awards, a Willow-Centric awards site, held in January-February of each year. Popular vote.
wicked_awards, a multi-fandom award site for BtVS/Ats, Firefly/Serenity, Stargate, Supernatural, Dr.Who, Torchwood and X-Files.
passion_perfect, a multi-fandom femmeslash community for fics, art, icons, meta, announcements...anything femmeslash.
fangfetish, a general BtVS/Ats awards community with sections for Spuffy, Vampiric pairs and All pairs.
White Knight Awards, a Xander-centric fiction awards site. Popular vote.

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