Jan 23, 2007 13:27
The Killian came home from the hospital yesterday. Yeay! She is on 6 different medications, so that's pretty sh*tty, but she seems to be responding well to them, so that's definitely awesome! Joe and I are trying our best to keep all her pills on schedule and we are hoping for the best. She's not too fond of having to take so many damn pills and I don't blame her, but unfortunately, they're necessary. We're truly doing the best that we can. Our plans to go to Disneyworld with Joe's family have been altogether cancelled because it's in a couple of weeks and we can't just leave Killian to someone else's care. I honestly don't mind.
We are also re-thinking going on a cruise during spring break and might just stay in town and take a couple of days off work and just relax and do things that we don't usually get to do around here because of school and/or work. The one thing that I know we are doing for sure this year is going to the Outer Banks with my family and the dogs for a wonderful week. It'll be a blast and I need to hurry up and reserve a house. I can't wait! :)
I got screwed with school this semester, the one Math course that I could take was cancelled... oh well! I'm excited about taking my first Legal course after spring break! Woo hoo! I know I talk too much about school these days, but honestly I am consumed by school and work, hence why I don't hang out with anyone much nowadays.
HOWEVER, I am super excited about Saturday night! I finally found an 80's night to take Ileana to. The Red and The Black in NE is having an 80's night the night of her b-day and we are going there after dinner. They even have a Smiths cover band (Still Ill) playing that night? How about that?! Yeay! I invited a bunch of my friends to come out since I figured the more the merrier. So if you're around on Saturday night, stop by and say hello! ;)