Follow your bliss

Mar 21, 2007 19:17

(I am ashamed to admit it, but i check my horoscope on friendster more often than I should!) Yesterday it read: Someone with a very different lifestyle has something to teach you. Be open minded.

I was invited to attend a seminar yesterday by the best-selling author of “The Tale of Juliet; You Have the Power to Change Your Life” I was informed that JP Tanchanco (Entrepreneur & Funkista, more popularly known as the lead guitarist of Kala) was going to speak on the author’s behalf… but I was pleasantly surprised when I recognized Jhet Torcelino-van Ruyven from her website, roaming the halls of my office!  We were a very small and intimate group, so it wasn't possible to not listen. hehe.  But I must say... what a charistmatic and influential spirit!  To think she started out selling pandesal along the shorelines of Matabunkay beach!

First up on the agenda was an hour and a half long film viewing of the “The Secret”  I picked up a few things and thought I might share my notes with anyone who would be interested:


The BIG “secret” to life is the Law of Attraction.  They say that like attracts like.  If you are positive in your outlook and orientation, you attract precisely these positive thoughts and actions.    Everything you bring into experience, you bring because of the Law of Attraction.  The film teaches you to be aware of your thoughts, and to choose them.  You are the masterpiece of your own life. The way a sculptor and a painter create works of art, you create your own life with your thoughts and feelings.

When you study the philosophies of the great thinkers from the past, you’ll find this universal thought in their teachings and truths.  The greatest achievers are also fully aware of the “secret” of the law of attraction.

They also spoke of an Emotional Guidance System, where you have to learn to differentiate and identify your positive and negative feelings-your good vibes vs. your bad vibes.  And having an extra consciousness of your good vibes will allow you to let these feelings dominate your life.  When this happens, you will be more aligned with the universe.

“Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what to become” or in other words, what you think and what you feel is what manifests!  FEEL healthy, peaceful and prosperous and the universe will correspond to your song.

Pay attention to what you are attracted to because this defines who you are.

The Creative Process has 3 steps:

1. ASK for what you want.  Be specific.  Declare your short term and long term goals.  Write them down and recite these to yourself every morning or evening if that is what its going to take to remind you.  Place your order with the universe ;)
2. ANSWER. You don’t need to know all the steps to achieve your goals.  If you are aligned with the universe, it will help you make it happen, one way or another. 
3. RECEIVE. Many people stop at step number 2, but you have to remember to be open and stay in alignment with what you’re asking for.  And the world will manifest.

The universe likes speed!  Don’t delay!  When the opportunity, impulse, and emotion arises, ACT! ASK! ANSWER! RECEIVE!  When you hone an inspired thought, you have to trust it and act on it!

“Take the first step in faith.  You don’t have to see the whole staircase.  Just take the first step.” - Martin Luther King

What can you do?

1. GRATITUDE - appreciation pulls attraction.  Focus on what you already have and be grateful. 
2. VISUALIZE - when you visualize, then you materialize.  If you’ve been there in the mind, you’ll go there in the body.  Use your imagination and see yourself in that new car or house.  REALLY see and feel yourself there.

“All that we are is the result of what we thought” - Buddha

“Imagination is everything! It is the preview of life’s coming attractions!” - Einstein

The “secret” of MONEY - declare how much you want!  Do not focus on debt, focus on prosperity.  Wealth is a mindset, as is everything else.
The “secret” to the RELATIONSHIPS - If you are open to that one “soulmate”, s/he will come into your life. 
The “secret” to HEALTH - Allow that stream of wellness & goodness to flow thru your body.
The “secret” to the WORLD - “What you resist, persists”  Focus on the good things, rather than the bad.

Focus on what you want! Not on what you don’t want.   Forget about your tragic past.  Everyone has their own tragedy to share.  So what? Do not pollute your mind with despair, insecurity, anger, blame, doubt, frustration, or anything else in the negative scale.  Instead, surround and allow yourself to attract all that is positive: appreciation, empowerment, love, enthusiasm, belief, optimism.  Inner happiness in the fuel of success!

“Follow your Bliss” --Joseph Campbell


Everything here seems simple enough… almost black and white.  But when it’s laid out for you like this, it makes a lot more sense.  Suddenly, things are clear.

It’s almost like prayer don’t you think?  (I chose to keep religion out of this, because that discussion would open a whole other dimension!)

Jhet handed everyone a card for us to fill in our life goals (in the present tense).  “I am so happy that ______________ by, (exact date).  We are to read this three times everyday to keep "aligned with our goals"  She also raffled out 4 “gratitude” rocks all the way from Canada where she resides.  These help to keep you in a constant state of gratitude. I “Visualized” myself with the only white rock among the pile, but I didn’t get it.  I guess this stuff needs practice!  But who knows... maybe i'll chance upon a white rock tomorrow!  :)

Hopefully, in 3-5 years, I will be emailing Jhet MY success story :)  I will share my picture with the author when it is sent to me :)  
Thanks to those who read on till the end! :P Hope you learned even a fraction of what I did! ;)
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