Because I feel like it.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.
turloughishere picked these:
This one is my current default, and one of mine. This is Gerard Way, obviously, either from the NME shoot or the Nylon Man one, I can't remember right now and my google-fu is failing me today. I'm a big black and white fan - I love how everything gets stripped back to it's bare essentials in a black and white image, and this is a pretty damn stripped back Gerard. I'm fairly sure I tweeked the levels on this but that's all - the photo was just about perfect for my needs as is.
This one I definitely know - it's Gabe from that VMan shoot (you Gerard&Mikey fans know which one I mean.) Another of mine, there's a fair bit of processing on this - I would have partly desaturated the image, then greenified it, then desaturated everything but the suit completely, and then I probably futzed with the levels as well. I refer to this as my Lawyer!Gabe icon, as Gabe looks like a sexy, sexy lawyer in it. Or maybe Patrick Bateman.
This one is by an icon maker by the name of
typoed , and I nabbed it during a icon hunting spree when I first came back to lj and decided I wasn't going to do that whole 'making icons' thing. When I first came back to lj I floated around the Torchwood and Doctor Who fandoms as well as bandom, but I'm pretty much just here for bandom now. Still: this icon is fantastic. It will probably go the next time I make icons though, as it's not in black and white.
Jonas! Another of mine, and evidence that my love of black and white goes back a loooooong way. This started out life as a wallpaper way back in, like, 2002-2003, and originally was completely black and white with some Radiohead lyrics ("The head of state has called for me by name/But I don't have time for him/It's going to be a glorious day/I think my luck will change"). Looking at it now I probably desaturated, played with levels, then probably used the watercolour filter. The watercolour filter was a definite fave back in those days. Then a couple of years later I cropped it down to icon size and used a texture that the fantastic aesc made over at discolore. I also probably played with the levels again, I can't help myself. Even though I'm not really in the Stargate fandom anymore this icon will probably be surviving any cuts - I just plain like it too much, and also: Jonas!
This was made by
star55, otherwise known as MAH BRAINTWIN, so you'd have to ask her about the process behind the creation of it. I can tell you the story behind it, though - once upon a time, I was working for a hideous corporate entity as their records manager, and star was working at our country office, doing various things about the place including dealing with the transfer of files back and forth. We started out just chatting idly as we phoned/emailed each other on an hourly basis whilst working; then we worked out we were both queer; then we worked out we were both in fandom; then we worked out we were actually the same entity, split in two and then separated across the time-space continuum. Funny how that happens sometimes. Star is totally the woman who got me back on lj, btw, and is one of my biggest cheerleaders when it comes to knuckling down and actually writing stuff. She also thinks I'm a loon. That is not an entirely wrong assessment.
Jon loves coffee. I love coffee. I miss Starbucks. No Starbucks in Rundle Mall makes me a sad panda.
(I have a secret fondness for young, douchey-fratboy Jon. Those pics of him and Pete in matching tracksuits? LOVE.)
Anyway, selective desaturation, futzed levels, etc etc. I have a definite modus operandi when it comes to icon making.
Icons are awesome. Memes are awesome. Comment if you want me to pick some icons for you.