The BBB wave one fic I mixed for,
Written in the Stars by
emmyatthedisco (Spencer/Brendon, Ryan/Jon), is up.
First of all, the fic. I love this fic, and you should all too. It's got space ships and freedom fighters and evil alien overlords and Spencer being all bad-ass and shit. Jon's a mechanic! Jon fixes things with his hands. Yeah. It's got this gorgeous tone, too - all kind of sparse and cold, which is what space is, and it's totally, totally awesome.
Secondly, my mix. Do you know how hard it is to make a mix for a space opera and not just use eleventy-billion Muse tracks?
So I used eleventy-billion Juno Reactor tracks instead (or ok, maybe only three. Still.) This was a bit of a hard mix to put together, both with all the technical problems (stupid computer. Stupid internet connection. Grrr), and because I decided to get difficult and follow the narrative as much as possible. So I'm super duper proud of my finished mix. The cover art is a shot of a galaxy, somewhere (sourced via google image search and NASA), which I just futzed with in photoshop. It seemed appropriate.
we four (do battle amongst the stars)
download here Mine was the second mix for this fic.
mix appears to be completely awesome (haven't had the time to listen yet, but the tracklisting seems solid) as well as completely different, which always manages to amaze me (I love how diverse bandom is. I mean, we all enjoy tiny little boys who sing punky-pop and wear too much makeup, but we also all like completely different things as well! Shocking!) So you should all go download that too. And then read the fic. Whilst listening to mixes. Yeah.
Whilst I go shower and then go to work.