Blind Hessians, Ukuleles and April's fool

Apr 01, 2012 23:59

There's a tale what tells that Hessians are blind. Blind not in the meaning of not able to see, rather in being cosnfused easily.
It happend that there was once a war between Hesse and Prussia back in history and in one dark, moonless night, the Hessian soldiers tried to sneak the Prussians. They didn't see anything at all and as they crawled past a dung pile, one hessian soldier screamed: "Aim! It's the Prussians!"
Since this day the Hessians are called "blind".

Why I tell you this embarrassing tale? Well, I'm Hessian and -whaddaya know- I'm blind.

There was some advertisement in my city for an Ukulele Orchestra and name and appearance looked so much like THESE guys, that I ordered one of the last tickets immediately. I didn't realize that I got a ticket for The United Kingdom Ukulele Orchestra, not for my favored The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain ( THIS post). I was so confused and angry as I sat in the Darmstadt Staatstheater, but well, the money was spent and I was there anyway. So I decided to enjoy the evening, and in fact I did.

The musicians were truly great, the singers had great voices and they were funny and entertaining. The ovations were well earned, but what me still confuses and annoys is the way this orchestra is promoted, or even founded.
They do the very same like the original, they have the same dresscode, even the same count of people! The advertising media looks all alike, et ceterea, et cetera. I did some quick research and they even advertise with false facts. What the hell??

As I said, the show was great. But this definately was my personal April's fool and it has a bitter taste. Why not being an Ukulele orchestra with a unique style? There are bazzillions of classic orchestras, this would work with Ukes too.

Anyway, I just ordere a ticket for July, 12th. This time I'll truly see the UOoGB, they'll play on a festival, in an open air theater in the ruins of a medieval castle.

And this time I made sure I had my eyes WIDE open! XD

wtf, lol, music

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