May 10, 2005 22:04
aight today i went to hh ranch for a pinic it was aight and i do mean aight, cuz we had to be out the pool b4 1:30 cuz the life guards had to leave. but anyway my potna told me this morning that her friend called her last night and asked her who i was what i was and if she could put her down with me. i mean don't get me wrong this girl Jade is aight it's really nothing to brag about. most of the girls that wanna talk to me go to yates but hell i can't remember what school she go to all i know is that her lil bro go to Whidby where i chill at when i get outta school or if i don't go to school. but i'm going up there tomorrow when i get outta school to get the rest of my stuff from my play mother and go holla at one of the teachers. well danielle doesn't know this well atleast till now that i might be at my grandma's house on the 21 of this month.