Not Real 1/?

May 09, 2012 15:48

Title: Not Real

Fandom: Tron Legacy

Pairing(s): Tron/Sam, Rinzler/Sam, Clu/Sam

Summary: Sam is not real. He’s really a program that was created by Clu to help with his plans to overthrow Flynn. His need for perfection had led to the creation of Sam, and he had developed an unhealthy obsession for it. The major setback is that he accidentally trapped Flynn inside the system and left Sam on the outside. Clu wants his program back.

Note: This story was inspired by three separate oneshots written by scrapbullet in AO3. In my opinion, these three oneshots fits perfectly in a timeline.

Rapture -- Lux Aeterna -- Insidious

Warning: Pedophilia, Non-con, Dub-con, (I'll add more warnings as the story goes)

I'm a little uncomfortable with pedophilia so I won't make it graphic. I would've aged Sam a bit to a more suitable age, but I think that him as a child will fit more at the beginning of the story.

Chapter One

Clu had been made in his creator’s image and was given one purpose.

Create the perfect system.

For many cycles, he and the security program, Tron, had worked alongside the creator and everything was perfect. He was content with his role.

But slowly, ever so slowly, he had begun to want more.

The creator talked about the outside world many times. Its imperfection. Its flaws and ugliness, as well as the beauties and wonders that can be found there. The world outside is a contradiction in itself.

These talks had sown a seed of curiosity deep inside of Clu. It grew to a point where he wants to see the real world for himself. However, he was nothing but a perfectionist and the system is not yet complete.

He can wait a little longer until his project is done.

Yet still he grew more and more curious until it had become an itch that he cannot reach. Then he asks himself, “If Flynn can get in and out of the system, can a program do the same thing?”

It was a conundrum, so he decided to make an experiment.

The first thing that comes to mind was to create a program that no one would miss if it disappeared. A program with a set order to blend in and observe the outside world.

He’s not the creator so he can’t create from scratch.

So he started small. The first thing he did was to gather the ingredients.

One main ingredient was the residual energy that was leftover from his own creation. He always knew that it would come in handy so he had bottled the mass of energy before it can dissolve back into the system.

Next, he went to the Sea of Simulation.

The Sea’s purpose is to act as a barrier so that stray programs won’t get to the portal to the outside world. However, for some reason, he feels that there is a strange power coming from it. After all, it’s nothing but unformed terrestrial data that even Flynn cannot make sense of.

He molds the data from the Sea with pixels that’s from his entire left arm.

He had later explained to Flynn that it was caused by accidentally falling off of a cliff while designing more landscape. The creator took it with no hint of suspicion and had restored his arm via his disc.

For some reason, he didn’t feel obliged to tell the creator about his new project as if it’s something that only he should know about. He revels in it actually. It’s the only thing that’s truly his.

Since there’s only a small amount, he molds and shapes the ingredients into a small body. He decided to model it after Flynn’s memories of the children from outside.

Clu gave it a mass of soft curly hair, something that he had been fascinated with when the creator had begun making other programs to populate the system. He colored it a delightful shade of dark brown and gave it pale skin often associated with children.

Clu also gave it beautiful delicate limbs, toes and fingers.

The genitals, he made male because it’s the only set that he had seen so far.

Next, he molded the eyes, nose, and lips. He paid them extra careful attention, because he’s nothing but a perfectionist. Once done, he began coloring the rest of the soft pliant body.

The eyes, he gave a beautiful blue color. The plush lips, he colored a coral pink. The cheeks, he sprayed a light dusting of color to give it a flush of life.

And finally, after all of the fine details and colorings, he inserts the mass of energy into where a human heart would be.

Once inserted, the body in front of him gave a gasp and its eyes widen impossibly.

Clu sat back and admire his handiwork, proud of his accomplishment.

The energy had started to venture throughout the body, making trails like veins. Finally it settles into familiar circuits on the naked skin.

The body of the young program twitches with its new life and once it stops twitching a black suit with its white circuits formed onto the small body, complete with its own disc.

The program slowly turns its head to stare at Clu, and he can’t help but gasp at the beauty that he had created and brought to life. He had created perfection.

Chapter Two

pairings: clu/sam, pairings: tron/sam, tron: legacy, pairings: rinzler/sam, recs, hiatus

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