I found this word while searching for a name for my speckle-throat/sunsong crossed speckle-throat - code
Piwk8. The code always made me think of Piewacket but this word is perfect, imho. It's pronounced "peh-ook" (well, like "pook" with emphasis on the "peh" sound - it's NOT two syllables). Since Pook is my preferred way to reference a certain mischievous hobgoblin - like I said, it's perfect.
The word is feminine in gender, and Piwk8 is female, and it means "a plaintive note". Granted, I'm not taking the final syllable of the code into account, but I didn't like the meaning of the adjective based on the noun, piùgach (pron. pook-ak) means querulous. I like the quality of plaintiveness, but not querulousity. Sounds like a professional invalid trying to guilt a caretaker into being a doormat.
Nach eil sibh a' cluinntinn a' phiùg anns a' ghuth aice? Don't you hear the plaintive note in her voice?
fwiw, the dragon's full name is Piùg NicRuiteig IcUaimh - that means "Pook daughter of Ruiteag (i.e. "rosy") daughter of the Cave". That identifies her mother as my first female caveborn speckle-throat dragon. I really should be marking her as a the daughter of her father since I'll be breeding her to a Sunsong dragon, but ... sin beatha.
And ... btw ... Seo bhith Dreaganan (here be dragons)