Well, it's all over bar the shouting as they say. Piraka-baterra and her Scoobies are out patrolling, mopping up the last of the attackers.
As it happens, Athadora Darkspell was laired at Bellnifling, using her necromantic arts to raise an army of the dead. I'd like to pause here a moment to point out that sending an army of zombies - even flesh-eating zombies - against several hundred large retilian predators is ... not really a smooth move. Even a cat-sized pygmy dragon can demolish a zombie in a matter of minutes; the larger ones were smashing them by the tens.
But zombies weren't all that we faced. I am told that I owe Jonah a word of apology because there were vampires among the zombies. Luckily, not even they were a match for dragons. The only one that really gave us trouble was Drusilla Angelschilde. Those injuries we sustained were at her claws. Luckily for us, Angelus Darlaschilde, maturing even as the attack was launched on Na Gurnaidh, managed to break free of the protections we'd put around his Nursery and he was able to stop her in her tracks and persuade her to leave.
In addition to the wizards of Aldwyns and the dragons, we had another group of ... very unexpected allies. Chickens. Hundreds and hundreds of chickens. Led by Dalma, Dana and Dalta Dreagancearcan. It is amazing how effective chickens can be.
We are still cleaning up the mess. Gotta go.
One DayTwo DaysThree DaysFour DaysFive DaysSix Days
Hatching Sands
Nursery Pens
Dragon Holding Bays