Rant - dogs, fleas, and ticks of fandom

Sep 18, 2006 07:58

I don't know who T......M..... is or what kind of fan-author s/he might be, but judging from the friends/ fans this person has, I'm just as glad to not have the acquaintance of them. There's an old saying I have heard, "Lie down with dogs, rise up with fleas" and that ... doesn't really do justice to this situation.

A friend made a comment - no names mentioned and a very minor personal point of something they'd realized about themselves - which was picked up by a troll looking for trouble. Said troll blew it out of proportion and is now arranging terrorist attacks on this person's journal. Anonymous attacks and both the original instigator and the author in question have blocked this person so she can't even instigate dialogue. I'm wondering if T......M..... even read the original post or if s/he just took the troll's word for it.

To point out the differences in class, my friend did not give the name of the author she was talking about nor has she revealed the name of the troll. I know the author's name because said troll has no such reservations - except about its own name. And obviously, the troll has slandered my friend's name and address all over the place.

The entire situation makes me sick. Is there a Guatanamo Bay for this kind of terrorist attack? Does T......M..... even realize what's being done in his/her name?

For what it's worth, I'm proud of the way my friend is handling it - grace under pressure. I do wonder, however, if T......M..... might be legally liable for the profanity and threats being made in his/her name.

indignation, rant, anger

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