Apr 07, 2009 12:12
Back at the end of the year just past, an ice storm hit the region and one of the trees in our back yard came down, as well as a lot of branches and tree limbs (tree limbs are a LOT bigger than branches, in my lexicon). Before we could make arrangements for the yard to be cleaned up, snow covered the ground and it's only been in the past few weeks that that hasn't been so.
Last week, my husband contacted the tree service and talked to the people who live directly behind us, getting permission for the service to park their machines on the private drive back there.
They'd only been at it a while when some self-important harridan came out and started screeching at them, threatening to call the cops and then the coward retreated into her house so that we could talk to her ourselves. Or present her with the bill for the extra time that her so-important privacy is costing US.
'S e bidse a th' innte agus seo tha mi ag innse.