ATTN: Dr. Who fans (a PSA)
Looking for a new home. Moving to Wales any time soon. Own your very own lighthouse complete with a Dalek to take over once you move in.
Further details to be found
here on BBC-online.
Personally, I always disliked the Daleks, but I seem to be in a minority.
Solicitor serious about his briefs
Now here's a report of a cheeky discrimination protest. I think he makes his case - but I doubt they'll change the rules. But you know, I can so really see Rumpole doing this, can't you?
Yard Sale
Apparently even
royals have to clear out clutter from time to time. Too bad this is one sale I can't sit in, but, then again, I can't even afford to get in at the door so it's just as well.
Herd instinct
And finally,
here's one lamb who has all her ducks in order; Rolo the dog sheep. I guess if Clarence could think he's a sheep because he was raised with them, Rolo is perfectly justified in thinking she's a dog because she was raised by THEM. So long as she doesn't take to chasing cars.