Progress Report - Balach Dubh

Aug 17, 2016 10:01

2044 words added to the document from Tues. 17 August
57845 words total

Tuesday was the day I had an ear appointment at 10. I wrote up one scene, was working on another when I had to stop and get ready to go. By the time I returned it was around noon and ... well, I just couldn't bring myself to type anything in. I managed to get po'd at my partner and was sulking.

Wednesday, I finished the second scene, wrote another scene and typed the first of Tuesday's scenes in ... the one I'm reporting on here. But I was unable to make myself type the second scene at all. Something is wrong with it and I need to think it through again. Whatever the problem is will affect Wednesday's output as well.

This scene introduces two more races of Faerie. Lalaloxanna and Gerart of the Fifth Horde. Much of it is from Aeolus Zephyrin's pov - which is a very odd one imho. Everything he observes is in context to how it relates to him - with him being the centre of everything. Anything that does not concern him ... doesn't really exist.

"Tonight will be ours," he promised, reaching up behind his head to remove her arms. "... under the stars ..." he set her hands down by her side "... a sacred communion, sealing our union ..." he took a step back "... me into you, yours into mine." With a tender smile, he turned and strode away.


Lalaloxanna did not bother to watch him go. She stared straight ahead, a marble statue with hair of jet. Two crystal tears dropped from her eyes, fell to the table with a small tinkle of bells, lost in the clatter of fork and china from tables near.

After a few minutes, her chest rose and fell, the first breath taken since Gerart took his leave. Lalaloxanna shook her head and collected her belongings, leaving enough cash under her saucer to cover not only her order but Zephyrin's as well. Getting up, she walked away.

On the table, half-hidden by a crumpled paper napkin carelessly dropped, two small diamonds sparkled in the play of sunlight through the leaves of the old oak tree above.

ghost squad, word_count, writing_progress, story

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