Mar 20, 2015 12:18
I have a Fitbit, I asked for it a couple of years ago with the notion of using it as a silent alarm that won't disturb M. I did wear it to track "fitness data" for a while, long enough for the band to begin to split, even though it annoys me that it totally ignores bicycling as a fitness activity.
Today whilst down in the basement doing laundry, I happened to notice the exercise cords ... specifically, the ankle wrap. It occurred to me to wonder if I could somehow attach the fitbit to the ankle band. Turned out it was a simple matter of using the smaller band and the smallest hole setting, wrapped around the ankle band. So now I have the fitbit on my left ankle, cycling as I type.
I perhaps should mention that yesterday I put one of those pedal things under the kitchen table where my computer resides. I need to burn more calories than I have been and that seemed like a way to manage without too much disruption of regular scheduling.
Don't know if this will work or not, but ... I'll see.