[muffled epic metal intro playing in the distance]
After endless convos that span decades and arguments upon arguments with no side prevailing, the time has come.
To decide. To see how things really are.
To finally settle it.
The perpetual civil war.
The schism that tears this fandom apart, the blemish that spoils the peace among Emperor Takuya's loyal subjects.
It's time to pick a side:
Decisions are final, so think well before you cast your vote. A or B, no middle ground and no easy answers. Don't gimme the "but I like him all the time, bald or with gum stuck in his hair, how do i choose?" puppy eyes or some of the "there's no mid-length choice" sass. We're people of the extremes, living on a razor's edge, balancing on a ledge and all that Iron Maiden shit and it's time to separate the sheep from the goats (without the negative connotations, both are equally ok).
Now go listen to some hair metal, the "Hairspray" soundtrack, Lady Gaga's "Hair", Kisumai's "Hair" or other relevant stuff to get in the appropriate mood and:
*jigsaw voice* Live or die, make your choice.
End the conflict.