Title: Akame talks about JinMeisa dating rumor on twitter
Pairing: AKAME
Genre: Romance, Total Fluff
Rating: G
Summary: Jin and Meisa's rumor was all over the newspaper so Kame decided to confront Jin on twitter. Jin denying the rumor and saying it's definitely not a date! Kame making Jin reveal what was the rumor all about using his serious-bitchy treat.
A/N: Late reaction tweetfic but I hope you enjoy it! I own nothing but the plot.
READ before you READ: I need you to take a moment and forget the fact that JIN IS ALREADY MARRIED. I need you to play everything backwards. This fic was written the time that they were still rumored dating. And lastly, remember that AKAME still lives in our hearts♥
Kame stared at his laptop screen. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!"
speaking of the devil...
"Just make sure you have a damn good reason for this rumor, Jin"
A_Jin04: Kazuya-chaaaaaaaaan!
A_Jin04: hey Kame-chaaaaaaan!
K_Kazuya 23: hey yourself ¬_¬
Jin look at Kame's tweet "Eh? Is he mad at me? Why?"
A_Jin04: what took you so long~
K_Kazuya 23: >O<
"What's up with him?" Jin asked himself
A_Jin04: What's up with the face?
K_Kazuya 23: I'm mad!
A_Jin04: What did I do now? *confuse*
K_Kazuya 23: What did you do? You tell me, Jin.
A_Jin04: What are you talking about Kazuya? *innocent*
"Seems like he saw the newspaper already" Jin bit his lip waiting for Kame's overreaction to the matter.
K_Kazuya 23: How dare you...
A_Jin04: I really don't know what you're talking about! (.O.')
K_Kazuya 23: You and Meisa.
"I knew it.." Jin sighed
K_Kazuya 23: What? You're starting to remember now? (¬_¬")
"Deny Jin, Deny!" Jin said to himself
A_Jin04: What about me and Meisa?
K_Kazuya 23: Hah! denying it now eh?
"Yes, I want to deny it forever!" Jin continues to talk to himself.
A_Jin04: Really, what about us?
K_Kazuya 23: Oh nothing, just the fact that it was all over the news that the two of you are dating *sarcastic*
A_Jin04: Oh, yeah that....
K_Kazuya 23: Yeah, that. Mind explaining that to me?
A_Jin04: That was nothing...
"Oh Kazuya... how could I explain this to you~~~~~" Jin didn't know what to do.
K_Kazuya 23: A date in Disneysea was nothing?
A_Jin04: Disneysea?
"We shouldn't have chosen that place. I knew that there will be paparazzi there" Jin scolded himself
K_Kazuya 23: so you have amnesia now? Here, a little reminder
*pissed off*
A_Jin04: Ohshit.
"Oh, shit" Jin cursed.
K_Kazuya 23: and to think that we haven't been to disneysea together yet.
"Oh craaap. We haven't!" Jin slapped his forehead. "How could I forget that!"
A_Jin04: Really, that disneysea was nothing! *smiles smiles*
K_Kazuya 23: You've been saying 'nothing' and it's annoying can you please tell me what's going on? You better have a good explanation regarding this one, Jin.
A_Jin04: Umm........
K_Kazuya 23: Are you breaking up with me? *serious*
"BREAKING UP?!!!! WHO SAID ABOUT BREAKING UP?!?!?!" Jin nearly dropped his iPad.
K_Kazuya 23: Well then explain that date to me!
A_Jin04: It wasn't a date! We were just hanging out!
"Hanging out was not the term I'd use but in this case, it's probably safe." Jin said to himself
K_Kazuya 23: Hanging out? Hah! You hold hands with every girl you hang out with? *furious*
"We were riding the roller coaster! She was so afraid! What could I do?!?!" a pout formed in Jin's cute lips
A_Jin04: That's not it....
K_Kazuya 23: and you look so happy together that it makes me wanna cry in happiness if I was a fangirl but I AM NOT! I'M YOUR FREAKING BOYFRIEND! HOW DO YOU THINK I'M GOING TO REACT TO THIS?! BE HAPPY FOR YOU TWO?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!
"No I want you to be jealous, just like this.. but not too much that you're not going to forgive me~"
A_Jin04: No, We were just... I was just...
K_Kazuya 23: Well?
A_Jin04: I promised not to tell....
K_Kazuya 23: What?!?!?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
"Deny Jin, Deny, Denyyyyy" Jin chanted.
A_Jin04: But one thing I can assure you... I AM NOT BREAKING UP WITH YOU!!!!
K_Kazuya 23: Well if you're not, why did you have a second date with her?
A_Jin04: Second date?!
"OH NO! That freaking paparazzi guy! He got us in that second meeting too" Jin facepalmed
K_Kazuya 23: You need a little reminding again? WELL HERE!!!
So nice of her to look at the camera, she's like mocking me with that look! *annoyed*
A_Jin04: It wasn't me...
"That was lame Jin, So lame." Jin mocked himself.
K_Kazuya 23: OREALLY?! Not you? So mind telling me why this GUY is wearing that jean jacket hoody I gave you last Christmas? *raise eyebrow*
A_Jin04: *sigh* Okay, you got me... but really! It wasn't a date.
"Totally not a date!!!!" Jin shouted
K_Kazuya 23: You really want me to believe that?
A_Jin04: Yes! It was definitely NOT a date!
K_Kazuya 23: Well I don't.
A_Jin04: Please?
K_Kazuya 23: Would you just mind telling me what this shit is all about?
A_Jin04: Mou! I can't. . . . . . . .
"I really can't"
K_Kazuya 23: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Silent treatment starts... now...." Jin sighed heavily.
A_Jin04: Kazuyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
A_Jin04: Don't ignore me! T______________________T
A_Jin04: Stop it! Kazu-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
A_Jin04: No~ don't do this...
A_Jin04: Kamenashi Kazuyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *shouts*
K_Kazuya 23: Would you tell me now?
"This is really hard to to...."
A_Jin04: I wish I could but....
K_Kazuya 23: Let's meet tomorrow.
"EH? Is he okay now? Does it mean we're okay now?" Jin thought.
A_Jin04: Why?
K_Kazuya 23: I'm going to break up with you.
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WTFFFFFF" Jin put down his iPad and picked it up again. Same tweet. "This is so not happening!!!"
A_Jin04: HAAAAAAAAHH?!?!?!?!
K_Kazuya 23: I'm not like you, I don't go dating other girls just so I can break up with my boyfriend. I'm going to do it properly.
"Mou! I am not breaking up with you!!!!!!"
K_Kazuya 23: Yes, tomorrow let's meet.
A_Jin04: Waiiiiii---- Whaaat! Is this really happening?
K_Kazuya 23: Can't you see? This relationship is not going to work anymore if you keep secrets to each other.
"This secret is to be well kept or else..."
A_Jin04: But I promised not to tell a soul about the matter.... *teary eyes*
K_Kazuya 23: You don't trust me?
A_Jin04: I do! I DO VERY MUCH but this one....
K_Kazuya 23: I see that you don't. So... tomorrow okay? I have work... See you tomorrow in our usual place. Ja.
"WHAT DO DO?! WHAT TO DO?! I CAN'T HAVE HIM BREAK UP WITH ME! THIS IS ALL GOING WRONG! THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. " Jin is really confuse right now. Should he tell Kame and break his pinky promise with Meisa?
*think, think, think, more thinking..................*
"I've never broke one pinky promise... but I can't afford to lose Kame too!"
"Telling the truth wouldn't be so bad, right? It was just an innocent meeting and an innocent talk.... and the topic was about...."
A_Jin04: Okay, I give up! I don't want you to break up with me so I'm going to tell the truth now....
A_Jin04: I will tell everything and leave no detail behind!
A_Jin04: I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. I really am. I thought everyone would just treat eat as a normal meeting or get together but I was wrong, we were rumored dating! Can you believe that?! She's lovely but she is so not my type because you are my only type~
Still no reply....
A_Jin04: Okay, I'm serious now but I need to know you're still here before I tell everything....
K_Kazuya 23: Please do continue ¬_¬
A_Jin04: The reason why we were at Disneysea and had a second meeting or whatever you wanna call it is because. . . . . .
K_Kazuya 23: Don't be such a cliffhanger! Continue....
A_Jin04: It's because... Meisa, she..............
'PART TWO<3' A/N: I MISS MY AKAME TWEETFICS! I hope you guys are okay and I wish you like this tweetfic! ^O^ Thank you for reading!
For the pictures used, credits to the rightful owners!