Oct 16, 2002 23:41
So, after much pestering from Emmy, I am updating. :) Apparently, the only way that my friends get to know what's going on with me is through this thing. And I am almost certain that this will be a disappointment of an entry, but I'll see what I can do ya for.
oh please, I am pure hee haw, okay. we say these things 'round these here parts. and yes, I'm barefoot. always.
< /silliness >
I would love to say that the reason that I haven't been around is because I've been all uber-busy and what have you, but no, I haven't been. I'm also fantasizing over the idea of saying that I've been hiding away from the world maybe, but I am too much of a nerd to pull off the whole emo thing. :) So I can be honest and say that really, I've done nothing but hole myself up with my boy, making memories. Period. It's just all been so gravy.
Haven't been working much at all. Only mildly depressing. There is something absolutely refreshing about waking up and not having to give a damn about my hair, my clothes, my anything. Yes, I am a closet scrub. *hides face*
Um I realize that I have nothing great to say. Not that it matters, simply because LJ is a pure hater and eats every one of my posts. *saves to MS Word* How evil. Really, posting is discouraging when you know for a fact that your post will never make it through the final cut. You'd think that I could afford a paid account, but I refuse to get all involved with the PayPal thing or else I'd live on EBay. And no, this is not me whoring myself out for a paid account...not a whole lot, anyway. ;)
effin lj, please don't make me try to post this 12 times please?