Nov 13, 2008 10:31
Since I haven't posted in a while, here's a bit of a throwback to the time when this kind of thing was all I ever posted...
1. What is your natural hair color?
very dark brown... almost black, but then not.
2. Where was your ID pic taken?
at the top of some random hill in some random park
3. What's your middle name?
4. Your current relationship status?
5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
which one?
6. What is your current mood?
reluctance to go take my psych test...
7. What's the colour of your underwear?
white (I know, I know, boring... get over it)
8. What is one thing that makes you happy?
dogs, music, dancing, and good scents
9.Who was the last person you cuddled with?
I honestly don't remember, which is kind of sad...
10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would it be?
I would never have taken AP Stat my senior year of high school. It's the only thing I ever regret doing in my life because it was such a waste of my time, and I hated every minute of it.
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day-
fictious: centaur, real: cat (just because they can fuck off whene'er they wish)
12. Ever had a near death experience?
not that I can remember...
13. Something you do a lot?
sing... like a ridiculous amount. Even in the grocery store. It's how my sister finds me when I wander off. And I say "cheers" a lot.
14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?
it keeps changing... it started as "Drift Away" by Dobie Gray and then it went on to "Maps" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, then it went to Steve Weeks "Someday"
15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
well, I first read Ren's, but I copied liloffkilter's
16. Name someone with the same b-day as you?
John Lithgow, Chris Kattan, Philip Pullman, and Prince Laurent of Belgium
17. When was the last time you cried?
I haven't the foggiest notion... a while ago
18. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?
yes, repeatedly
19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
to express thoughts and emotions in others' minds so they would understand me better and I wouldn't have to worry about attempting to find the right words to try to say what I mean
20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? (liloffkilter hit it right on)
1. Smile
2. Eyes
3. How he carries himself (confidence, awkwardness, etc.)
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks/Tim Hortons?
hot: either steamed apple juice, a tall peppermint white mocha, or a tall salted caramel signature hot chocolate
cold: iced venti no classic 3 pump melon 2 pump raspberry half green tea half wild sweet orange light iced tea lemonade (only I can make it right :-D)
22. What’s your biggest secret?
wouldn't that kind of defeat the purpose of a secret?
23. What's your favorite color?
forest green, closely followed by a deep blood red
24. When was the last time you lied?
just today when I said I didn't have a dollar to give to beat a guy with a bat
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
uhm, duh!
27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
Nothing at the moment, but now I'm getting hungry...
28. What's your favorite smell?
certain boys (all boys give off their own special scent and I like some more than others), coffee, the smell of outside either on a cool fall day or just after it rains, cotton blossom from B&BW, and the smell of someone baking
29. If you could describe life in one word what would it be?
30. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?
today after lunch when Nicole was being awesome (as per usual)
31. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
sadly no, but I'm waiting for that day... as I have been for years...
32. What are you thinking about right now?
the cockroach that I just captured under a bowl that I currently do not have the guts to transport outside by myself...
33. What should you be doing?
cleaning my room and the house, doing the dishes, doing my laundry.. general housework
34. What was the last thing that made you upset?
the cockroach being in my room without my issuing it an invitation
35. Do you like working in the yard?
not so much... I burn too easily... that and I like to watch boys working out in the yard for me :-D
36. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
none of your beeswax
37. Name 5 things in your closet:
Kat's wrapping paper, NKE stuff, my laundry, the most awesome black and white heels that have skulls on them, and a sweet dagger with a dragon on the sheath
38. Do you act different around your crush?
sadly, yes
39. When was the last time you slept with a stuffed animal?
every night...
40. How many times do you take a shower a week?
6 if not 7
41. Do you brush your teeth everyday?
every time I take a shower
42. Have you ever said something stupid in front of your crush?
43. Have you ever watched a hockey game?
field hockey, yes... I was the manager for my high school team for a few years and then for one semester at CNU... but regular hockey? not so much...
44. Do you lie about your age?
not yet
45. Ever been jealous about something stupid?
46. Do you pick your nose?
with a tissue on my finger, sometimes
47. What’s the one food you hate?
brussels sprouts
48. What’s the one junk food you can’t live without?
Chocolate and/or peanut butter
49. How old were you when you found out Santa was fake?
I was in either kindergarten or first grade because I was reading everything I could get my hands on and the school sent home some letter that made reference to Santa and the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny being not real, so I got them all in one whole shebang...
50. Have you ever blown your nose and looked inside it the napkin?
absolutely, to see if I'm ill or not
51. Describe your favourite underwear you have?
my corset... does that count?
52. Did you lie in any of these questions?
53. Tag some people.
first of all, this is not a question, and second of all, no