(no subject)

Jul 11, 2004 22:06

just an update for anyone who cares, since i haven't written here in a while...

everything has been goin really great. i am lucky enough to have the best husband and son in the world! kelley is a super happy (most of the time) and is actually a really easy baby. he is also getting to be a real fatty cakes. he finally learned to booby feed a few weeks ago, so that has also made our lives much simpler.

i started back to work last week. it's not as bad as i thought it would be to go back to. everyone is nice there and i stay busy all day long, so the day goes by really quickly.

jo is now the stay at home dad. so far it's been working really well. jo gets up with me in the mornings and helps me get ready. then he makes lunch and brings kelley up to work to see me and for me to feed him. then i come and get a nice homemade dinner too. hmmm, this actually may be the best thing to have happened to me... i've got it made now!

plus.... we have actually even been getting out more than in a really long time. i just wish i had more friends to do stuff with. oh yeah! that reminds me - i started kickboxing again! it's just as fun as i remembered. i'm certainly not in the same shape as i was before, but hopefully i will be again soon. i'm certainly sore enough after class that it should be doing something.

anyway - this entry is long enough. nighty night all!

ps - i've also got new pictures of kelley. if anyone wants them, i'll email them to ya. just leave me a comment or write me at: kim the ninjette@aol.com
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