Apr 09, 2003 20:29
my husband is the best husband in the world. period.
he has been taking super care of me and even waiting on me hand and foot. he even just went to get me tater tots cause i was feeling up to something more than soup.
and he took me back to the dr today.
the nausea and tummy problems have pretty much gone away... but i have had a constant severe headache and muscle aches ever since i woke up from the ER visit. it was hurting so bad i couldn't even sleep and i just lost it today and started crying. we went to the fun gay Dr. that saw JoJo for his peepee :D nice to put a fruity face with the "thats not all thats in there" voice... but i think he was just wondering what a cute guy like my stud JoJo was doing with me (i am so sick that i have actually been going out with no makeup on, hair not brushed, anything) anyhow - in his lispy voice, told me that the toxins had probably just spread into my body and wrote me a script for some Darvocet. went to target to get it filled, where our favorite dug ladies work and know us by name now. its pretty nice being friends with the pharmacists. they give you immediate service. the funny thing was that they usually make some comment about how pretty i am or something and today they just kept saying how pale i was and how sick i looked. yep, thats no makeup for ya.
so yeah the drugs are kinda working. i still have a headache and the muscle aches, but they aren't AS bad... so its an improvement of some kind at least. so YAY, i guess :D
and with that note... JoJo just finished dinner, so i'm off to eat.