the right stuff... you got it!

May 06, 2002 16:57

so i havent posted in a while, go figure. i have been really lazy lately for some reason. that and it doesnt help that i also spilled fruit syrup into our keyboard. oops. but thanks to the talented jojo, its all good again.
work has been just work. holidays bite my butt because i have to work non stop with no breaks and no days off. and for all of you who may have forgotten, mothers day is sunday. yep. another holiday that no one really cares about or gets the meaning of but is used for commercial purposes so that americans will have something else to waste money on that will die, get eaten or thrown away. arent i cheery? the florsist business makes you bitter towards holidays. and almost numb towards deaths. *sigh* i dont want to be bitter.... fortunately, i have JoJo to bring me subway and poprocks to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside again. my sweetie pie!
also on a positive note:
natasha is rockin' my world!!!

i have to say this here because she is so awesome and everyone should know it. she sent me some funny cards, some really cool shirts, a pair of socks, and a lil hoodie and awww, shes just the best and i miss her! :( i am thinking that my stuff didnt get to her though, maybe cause i just found out she moved? oops! sorry, tasha. if it doesnt get forwarded to you, i will just resend it. so all of my thanks are on the way, if you hadnt gotten them.
other than that- it is EXTREMELY hot, hot, hot here. and it's not even the hot part of summer yet. i am going to boil. i wouldnt mind it so much if it wasnt so... sticky. the humidity here is just gross though. no other way to describe it. however, there have been some really nice, beautiful days too, and those kinda balance it out and make it all worth while at the same time.

and i dont know who would care since i dont think anyone knows nicola, but her baby is still doing great and coming along just fine. they think its a girl, but shes been too busy moving around in nicolas tummy and all they get are action shots; so its hard for them to tell.

oh yeah, i almost forgot! lawsuit: looking good! i just talked with my lawyers and the board of health wrote us a statement. they said: it was not only medically unthetical and inappropriate, but also sexual harrasment as well. they also recommended that we file a formal complaint against him to the national and state board of health? doctors assoc. ? whatevers. my lawyer is taking care of that stuff. but i am nervous because this is when i start having to give depositions (blah!) but excited because that is a really powerful statement to have in writing, and wonderful that so many accredited people are believing/supporting my testimony. whoop!
well, i have had 4 liters of water today (yes, i am insane) and have to pee. talk to you chitlin's later and... thanks again natasha!
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