My sister got pregnant while her partner wore a condom and while she was on the pill. Nothing is 100% and (as we know) neither is abstinence... quite ironically.
lol, the abstinence not being a 100% is kinda a inside joke with me and Kim. I learned in my human sexuality class that most high school sex ed classes try to represent abstinence as the only birth control that is 100% effective, BUT 25% of teens who rely on abstinence as their only form of birth control end up with unwanted pregnancy. This is because the program represents abstinence when used correctly and ignores all cases when it isn't. But anyhoo, ya abstinence isn't a very realilistic option.
Definately. I personally would just jump in front of high speed traffic. That's not only preveting one more human from entering the world, it's actually reducing the population and saving money on welfare, which I'm sure I would suck on if I were a single mom. Goddamn right I would. But don't worry, I'm not retarded, I won't be fucking anyone without a condom anytime soon.
that certainly is the cheaper option.
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