yep, I suck ass

Jan 31, 2005 06:03

I have SOO much to lj about but I think I will keep it simple.

  • I broke my computer. Now I have lost all of my music, pictures, word documents and every project I can think of I was working on. I have about 45 hours of redownloading to do.

  • I watched the end of Evangelion, and it has fucked up my mind. I woke up a million times last night because of the anime nightmares I was having and I am still thinking of them. I need some one to talk about this with.

  • Robby has introduced me to a many bands. He's soooo nice to me. He bought me lunch, bought the end for me to watch, got me high, and let me borrow his uber special hard to find japanese imported Balzac CD. What did I do? Return the last stuff I borrowed and didn't even eat all my fries, and also, two words: blue balls. :(
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