Mar 16, 2009 19:06
i have so little time these days to even catch up on lj, let alone post. but since i'm supposed to be working i figured i'd waste some of my time on the internet. not that writing to you is ever a waste, tastey readers, but you all know what i mean.
anyway. life has been remarkably OK recently. considering. clara has cut 6 teeth in the past, what, 5 weeks? oy. operation fatten up my daughter has worked well even though she had another little growth spurt. turns out ice cream sammiches are consistently her favorite food and she can put one away. she's also been eating her weight in avacados recently which is the healthier alternative to the fatty-diet plan. she actually looks like a slightly more rounded version of herself, though she is still quite slim. i notice it mostly in her face. hopefully at her next appointment she will be back on her curve and life will be fine. i'm working on getting her to sleep on her own (again) and possible working in some minor night weaning (again again) but this time she seems to be responding well to the falling asleep on her own thing. tonight being the exception where she fell asleep while nursing, but we had a big day.
we've been meeting mondays to hang out with a mom and kiddo down the street. Max is 3 mos older than clara and painfully, PAINFULLY! shy and attached to his mom. we thought it might have been that we met at our house last week, but this week at his own house he was still sitting in his mom's lap most of the time while clara was off exploring their exciting different toys. girl loves cars, need to get her a car toy or two. you just don't get those kinds of things when you have girl children. we get so many dolls and soft friends, no awesome bats and balls and trucks!
anyway, she's talking a lot now. i can't remember all of the words that she uses and we're teaching her signs for things still and having great success. she's very much into communicating and it's really rewarding. i'm finding parenting her so much easier because she easily understands 90% of what I say and she responds to me. we can do things together and have "conversations" about it. it's good.
in non-clara news, the store is going well. we've had some minor drama about the storeroom but it looks like it's all resolved and that's good. sales have fallen off a little, i guess we're finally seeing some of the effects of the down turn. essentially i just think that spring/summer is going to come a little sooner than before. we're still doing well enough, and that's good.
josh is doing well, he just had his birthday and he's still doing all his martial arts training. things have calmed down with clara enough that he's trying to go 3x a week every other week. so good for him. i'm trying to get back into walking outside. i've noticed a real difference in clara's temperment when we get to the park as close to once a day as possible. so we try to get to the big park at the end of blackstone blvd which is a longer walk. today i went down the blvd a mile first and then turned back and we hit the park. i'm hoping that i can make either that or a long wlak on the blvd in the morning before work and a trip to the little park after work a regularity. it's all part of the plan of getting myself back into some semblance of shape (excluding my serious momma guns i've got from lugging clara around all the time) cause we've decided to start trying to spawn again next month. so i'm spending some serious energy trying to remember my vitamins, drink loads of water, cut down on my caffeine intake and get some exercise. i was in pretty good shape when i got pregnant with clara and i'm sure that's part of why pregnancy was largely easy for me. so i'm hoping to find a way to make exercise work in my schedule before i get knocked up. it's funny how josh and i respond so differently to the decision to start trying to get pregnant. for him it's mostly a distant getting used to the idea of having another baby and at some point just forgetting to use birth control but for me i feel as if i need to prepare my body physically. the emotional preparation for another baby i've started months ago and i'm sure that will come easily while i'm pregnant, but the physical preparation is equally important to me. i have to remember that i have to be pregnant and care for miss thing so i need to be prepared.
i've been feeling loads better and sleeping loads better (the few hours a night where i get to sleep solidly i do sleep solidly and i'm having a much easier time falling alseep) so i know that all of this is good for me as well as any future wee-bit that comes along. nice to finally take care of myself, or at least to have the energy to do it. clara is getting so much more self sufficient and helpful that it's much easier.
anyway, i really need to get to work. later!