while normally i would love to have josh around, and in fact i was really sad he went to work today.... it is really nice to have a day to get things almost back in "order" in the house. there is so much laundry, cleaning, cooking, shoping, la la la that needs doing in my world and when josh is here i don't want to do it i just want to hang out with him and see how hard we can make clara laugh.
so far the dishes are cleaning (there must be at least one more load)
clothes are drying (after this momentary lapse in productivity there will be more hauled from the upstairs and washed)
food for the week purchased
roasted veggies for soup are chopped, peeled and roasting (man i am super inspired by
this post at my friend's vegan blog... oh, cooking for the week would be sooooooooooooooo satisfying and i had never thought of treating ginger like that, what a good idea, and crap i forgot to get ginger for my soup. oh well, i can have josh pick some up on the way home from work...)
now i must clean some floors, the jade plant is back inside (it was 36F when i woke got up this morning!) and monkey kitty likes to pull the leaves off of the plant and clara was all, 'is this a cracker? yay! i found a cracker!' this morning. uh, i don't think jade is all that poisonous and uh, i'm pretty sure she just licked it. so yay. parent of the year! me!
in other news, i'm getting really excited for clara's birthday this weekend. in no small part because she's getting really really good at walking and i think she's going to have an insanely good time running around with the apple trees and picking up apples and putting them in baskets. also, in no small part because it's actually seasonably cold out and she's wearing all these sweaters that i or others have knit for her and she looks adorable in layers. she's already opened with glee her first birthday present. she had a problem with the tape and once that was removed just tore into it and was happy that there were books! books! books! inside. she seemed quite sure that it was for her and this was an exciting thing, even though she hasn't seen anyone open wrapped presents since christmas, unless you count the boxes we get in the mail, and oh wait.... when i get boxes of yarn at the shop, oh, daily, and tear into them like a 5 year old with a room full of presents. right, she totally gets it.
anyway, i've got to get back to my regularly scheduled stuff. it's so nice to get my world in order!