Aug 26, 2008 07:39
well last night went a bit better. clara had a hard time going down last night but i think it's because her nap was a little late for a 7 pm bedtime... need to wake her up more like 4:30 or 4:45 instead of 10 past 5. first time slept until around 12, and got her back to sleep without nursing with very little fuss. woke up 2nd time at 3 and took 1.5 hours to get back to sleep. josh rocked her for the first 1/2 hour or so and then i rocked her. had her asleep and then the kitties knocked over one of the gates downstairs and freaked her out completely and it took 45 minutes to get her back asleep. she slept until 5, and then josh went in and rocked her back down and she slept until 6:30 when she woke up for good.
she was annoyed at me until i nursed her and then she smiled, we got dressed, and had breakfast and now she's tearing apart the living room. i'm going to try to get her to sleep for an hour around 8, but i'm not sure that's going to happen. if nothing else she'll probably sleep for 1/2 hour or so on our way to work.
i'm shocked that she did so well without the nursing. i expected her to be up more and for it to be similarly difficult to get her back to sleep. we only had to really work for it once, and that was hard but not impossible. i do know in my heart that had i left her alone she wouldn't have done so well. the one time we didn't hear her cry because we were watching tv and the moniter was set on the wrong channel it took well over an hour for her to calm down even while nursing and she was choking on her milk. i just can't do that to her.
but it went well, i hope it's not a fluke!