Today is a very cold day! I am sitting here watching the falling snow.. and i am frezzing.. the parade was long and cold!! i went to the high school at 10:30 and the parade started at 1 and we were like the third float so we were donr by 1:45! then my dad came and we took down the tree and I went to pick up my dog, and we got a picture taken of her and santapaws!!! she is soo cute!! i love my baby! I am soo tired and i dont want to go to CCD but i have to!!! ughh
Name: Kristen
Current Location: ToughTown.. yeah right
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: A dark dirty blonde I guess
Height: 5’1/2"
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Innie or Outie: Innie
Instruments you can play: Piano and Marimba (used to play clarinet)
Two - Describe
Your hair: I think its brown but people say its dirty blonde
Your eyes: Brown (havent we already done this)
Your fears: drowning and heights
Your perfect pizza: T-Spa
Current favorite song: All I want for Christmas is You
mood: bored..
Current favorite band: I don’t have one
Three - What is...
Your most overused phrase on aim: definately
Your thoughts first waking up: is it already morning?
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Smile
Your best physical feature: my butt??!
Your bedtime: Weekdays: 10:30ish Weekends: who knows
Your favorite piece of clothing: my A&F sweatshirt
Your worst day: Mondays
Your best day: Saturday
Your dream for the future: Become a Pediatriction and get married
Four - You prefer
Pepsi or coke: Coke
Mcdonald's or Burger King: depends on my mood
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: coffee (only ised though)
Five - Do You
Smoke: no
Shower everyday: Yup
Do you think you've been in love: unfortuantly
Want to go to college: Yes
Want to get married: Yes
Believe in yourself: Yes
Get motion sickness: nope
Think you're attractive: you tell me!
Get along with your parents: my mom and occasionally my dad
Like thunderstorms: yeah
Six - In the past 6 months, did/have you...
Drink: i dont think so
Smoke: No
Done a drug: No
Go to the mall: Yes
Eaten a entire box of Oreos: Hate oreos so NO
Eaten sushi: No
Made homemade cookies: Yes
Dyed you hair: No
Been caught "doing something": No
Gotten beat up: No
Changed who you were to fit in: No
Seven - The Future
Age you hoped to be married: 26.. end of med school
Numbers and names of children: 2
What country would you most like to visit: Italy
Eight - Number Of
Number of drugs taken illegally: None
Number of people you can trust with your life: 2 maybe 3
Number of piercings: 4
Number of tattoos: None
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: couple
Who do you like: hmmm..
Who likes you: Mike.. and not sure
What do you want to do: noy go to CCD thats for sure
Who do you never get sick of: Steph MAguire
Do you sleep on your back: No, side or stomach
Do you like water: yeah, but to quench thirst
Nine - In the last 48 hours have you...
Cried: yeah
Bought something: yeah
Gotten sick: No
Sang: yeah
Eaten: alot
Felt stupid: No
Met someone new: yeah
kissed someone: No.. tear tear
Had a serious talk: yeah
Missed someone: Yeah
Hugged someone: Yeah
Fought with your parents: No
Dreamed about someone you can't be with: Yeah
Ten - Who is...
Your enemy: Not sure
Your best friend: Steph, Carolyn, Kate, Nessa
The person you trust the most: Steph
The person that can cheer you up: Anyone who loves me
The person that you talk to when you have a problem: Steph and Kate unless its them
The Person that hates you the most: I don’t know
The person that would pay the most to see you naked: prob. Mike
The last person you talked to online: Steph
The last person you talked to in person: My mom