Hello my wonderfull audience. I am SICK and TIRED of STUPID church trips. Whoever came up with this whole college tour thing can SUCK MY NIPPLE! Anyway...even though I hated the trip in some parts...in others it was AWESOME!!! I got to go SHOPPING! My wondaba mom gave me FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS!!! I still have a hundred left cuz I gotta buy some AIR FORCES. Yeeuh! To top it off, it's TAX FREE WEEKEND herre in the big ATH. Kimi is HAPPY!
ANYWAY, back to the colleges. The time I was there, I went to Johnson C. Smith University, Barber-Scotia University, North Carolina A&T State University, North CAarolina Central Universty, Howard University, and Hampton University. I took notes on all of them...I'm such a good girl!
First, Johnson C. Smith:
- I lost my Notes...but there are lots of scholarships and tuition is 18,000. Also NO CURFEW!
- Fully-Acredited
- Only SAT requirement is that you take it
- Tiny School
- Accepts everybody who applies
- On campus dorms. Curfew sunday thru thursday: 1:00 a.m.; friday thru saturday 3:00 a.m.
- Tuition - 13,100
- Scholarships based on NEED
North Carolina A&T State U.:
- Classes are no larger than 26 students
- No SAT requirement
- Out-of-state tuition - 18,000
- You get Full Funding if you get a 1200 - SAT/27 - ACT and have a 3.5 or higher GPA
- SMALL dorms
North Carolina State:
- Only %18 o-o-s students allowed
- No greek life until sophmore year - BOOOO
- MANY famous alumni
- must have an admissions essay...wahhhh, 2 refrences-1 from teacher, one from counselor
- requirements: SAT 1000, GPA 3.00, ACT 22
- Freshman scholarships based on merit ONLY
- tuition - 11,000
- Lost my notes for here too, but easy scholarships and not a party school.
Anyway...I've missed adam and i miss my computer BUT I'M FAINALLY HOME to my CAKE
It's an original plateful of Reverend Batts' cake! YAYAYAYA!!! I'm gonna go eat it now...see you on the flipside!
ja ne