Sep 21, 2003 00:16

Banana Pocky! You're perverted (although you'd
rather just believe you're incredibly sexy) and
you probably often make inuendos...such
as...Banana Pocky o.o

What Kind of Pocky are You?
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Not that Sweet. You're probably not used to
people.You don't really like them that much. No
need for them,right?

How Sweet are You?
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Fuzzy Coconut! You are a fuzzy coconut. You live on
Glucose and live in a tree like a crazy mofo
with leprosy. You have been mistaken for a
bowling ball and probably identify with the
Lion King because they sing "I've got a
lovely bunch of coconuts.."

What Fuzzy Thing Are You?
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regular, plain old sex-- boring to some, yet you
seem to love it. hey, do whatever pleases you!
(and of course your significant other)

What type of SEX do You enjoy?
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