Hello everyone!
Yea, its been a little while so i figured i could update. Nothing too exciting lately. Mostly hanging around with everyone. School is still going alright. Grades are good, all As and Bs (and the one D in speech that we don't speak of! that one was hard!) Still going with the day to day rutine, which is nice. M/W/F 2 classes, see meet Will and Marianne (and occasionaly Erin) in b/n. Then to class w/marianne, then after we talk for a while before she goes to work and i head home. Used to hang out with Julie after she got out of class but she got a job this week, which is super cool but leaves me with time to complete homework...not so much fun. Tues/Thrus i pick up Gwen and we have class at 7:30am. on tuesday i have breakfast with julie after class and will gets there later, on thursday i head over to the library and wait for either matt or will to get to school. Class with will at 10:30, astronomy we actually kinda like that one tho, you learn kinda interesting stuff, like the fact that the sun is green! then we head over to the student union to meet everyone for lunch....always entertaining...although most of the jokes are cracks on me....thats what i get for hanging out with a bunch of guys i suppose! then me, will, and christain go to speech. That class has gotten better! now we're doing speeches and we get food everyday and its less stressful!
Last couple weekends have been fun! very busy. went to the gym the past 2 saturdays, the first time with will and matt....i have a bruise on my arm from that week...i'm an idiot. the 2nd was after me and julie attempted a kickboxing class...yea we left after 10 minutes and met will, christain, and mike at the gym. so our new plan (julie and me, i dont' know if anyone else is coming with us) is to go to the gym on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday....hopefully we'll actually stick to it this time! Went to battle of the bands, mike, gio, and brian's band didn't win but i thought they did a good job! :) yay! it was good to see gio again, i haven't seen him probably since before graduation! saw david and megan too, she was really nice but he was being a meaniebutt! i luv u anyway david, ur a dork!
Steph R's birthday is thursday and we're all going out on Saturday! should be fun! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPH!(little early incase i don't post thursday!)
Just realized that spring break is coming up pretty quick....especially considering i have 4 papers dues the week before and 3 tests between now and then...a little freaked out now! Alright thats all! :) haha o yes and me and julie got hair cuts on Saturday! yay for us! Julie gets her wisdom teeth pulled on friday and thats gunna suck a lot!
*~*See ya!*~*
Side Note *I guess i'm giving up on them, there seems to be no point. my mom said just to let them go but it kinda sucks. Its like throwing away a big piece of high school...they were important then...all of them. but i suppose i should take some of the blame...but i tired! i can't keep being the only one who cares, its not fair! they each have new people and i do too but i never wanted to lose them. i guess if they were that easy to lose then they weren't worth it...but does that ever help anyone feel better? o well, here's me listening to my mother (i'm good at that) so goodbye to them, i hope they're happy in whatever they're doing and i hope they one day realize what we all lost...i hope they feel the regret that i'm now letting go of b/c thats when they'll finally understand. i suppose not knowing exactly what happened is what bothers me the most, i guess they got to her and thats way we don't talk now, but i don't know what they had issues in the first place. i don't know why she had to be mean and attempt to steal her, i only had a few good friends after that (and plenty of the people that you know but don't talk to all that much, the inbetween people, more than aquintance but less than real friends, ya know) and then she wanted to take them....o well i have good ones now and she sits with like one person, i suppose we know who was actually the problem now don't we! i'm not sure what is left to say about it, i know its taken up too much of my time. they have to live with the people they have become. This whole thing hit me today while i was looking at some pictures....i had thought about it before but the pictures just cemented what i had already assumed. i have notice, though, that i have had "one of those days" lately! like the days that you wake up and just feel like crap b/c something is wrong. people don't make me feel that way anymore, they laugh at me and stuff but hey i'm an easy target! at least its better than people making me feel like i'm the worst person in the world because i disagreed with them! i guess i just did a whole 360 on the issue. this writting thing actually does make you feel better! and now that i have completely made myself feel better about moving on I will go get ready for Gilmore Girls since i haven't seen it in a long time! :) *