Conclusions ..

Nov 27, 2012 04:22

So tonight i got into twitter again. I was just gonna shout to myself that i'll buy WQ LE A and leave but i started a convo about Japanese and learning them . I own to all of you my past and present followers a big SORRY . I'm sorry that i rarely get on twitter . I'm sorry that i first don't care about you and i complain that you don't care .. I'm sorry that i'm not there to support you . I'm sorry that i don't properly fangirl with you . I'm sorry for everything really ;_; I'm just afraid of creating a bond between me and you . Bcz people have hurt me deeply i don't wanna get attached and close with people bcz i don't want to be disappointed if one day they stop caring about me ... I'm afraid of communication .. Yes that's me . But i'm working on it in real life . I'll try to work it for twitter life too . I need some support though .. If you wanna support me i'd be super happy . Hontouni gomenasai *bows*

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