
Feb 10, 2009 23:25

Wow... that boy is really, really boring. o_O I think by the time it's all said and done, Kimono will have a mountain of pillows in her bedroom. Spackles will probably get lost in the pile.

Happy birthday, Kimono and Minty! February 8 was KT's third anniversary, and in addition, today's comic was our 150th page. Milestones all around! This is cause for celebration. So let's get some news out of the way, and then get down to celebrating.

KT hasn't reached the vote incentive goal of being in the top 100 of Top Web Comics for a day. But have no fear! There's still well over a week of voting time left.

There will be new donation incentive wallpapers next week, so if you want the current wallpapers, grab them while you can at the Tip Jar Page.

And now... third anniversary party time! First up, presents for everyone!

And the contest....

Guess Kimono's Middle Name

At long last, the mystery of Kimono's middle initial, C., will be solved! Think you know Kimono's middle name? Make your guess! The first reader to correctly guess Kimono's middle name will win this fun-filled prize:

The package includes a commemorative Kimono figure, laptop computer with 27 additional screens, book, perfume, hair barrette, radio, bottled water, a real stone geode, notepad, and a commemorative tin to store accessories. Everything Kimono needs for a good, long study session!

In addition, there will be a consolation prize. Of the entries, I will select my favorite guess for Kimono's middle name. The winner will receive a miniature Nintendo Wii with balance board!

So... ready to play? Here's the rules!
  1. For the love of cheese, ONE ENTRY per person. If everyone who has friended this LJ enters, I will have to parse through nearly 900 entries. Have mercy.
  2. One member of the KT team knows the answer, and she can't enter. Sorry, littlegreenpony! ~_^
  3. There are clues, but I won't tell you what they are, because I am wicked that way.
  4. Have fun!
We'll kick off this contest with my friend, Teddy's, entry, who illustrated her guess:

Sorry, Teddy. That's not it. ~_^ Be sure to visit Teddy's awesome My Little Pony Tales fan site, Teddy's Place.

Many thanks to Lady Moondancer for helping me locate a Kimono for this event. Thank you!

Update: We have a winner!! Many congratulations to genkigrrl, who correctly guessed "Chrysanthemum." The consolation prize goes to kittencuffs, who guessed "Cheese." That just cracked me up. :D

KT Voting Portal

news, fan art, holidays, free icons, contest, breezie

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