
Jan 01, 2008 23:59

Happy New Year! :D You ever notice how you spend most of the year trying to find room for stuff, and just when you've got everything under control, the holidays come along and mess it all up? Time to buy more storage bins!

Big news and development-type-things! I got a new camera for Christmas! Hooray! I'm still figuring it all out, which is probably evident in this week's photos. But once I learn everything, this should make the comic much more attractive. And on the business end of things, I'm plugging away on the website. Right now, I'm working on search engine optimization (ooh, fun), a couple new games (non-sarcastic fun!), and revenue. Sadly, this means a few ads on the website. But hey, if you want to help a girl out, click a few of 'em. ~_^


If you have a site to promote and would like to buy ad space, drop me a line at davakb (at) gmail (dot) com. I can cut you a sweet deal. ^_^

news, holidays, minty's hobbies, vignettes, socks

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