fairy tales are yum!

Sep 10, 2007 10:30

So the guy from a couple entries back, the dude from the planetarium, or Planetarium Guy as he's known to my mother, is named Derek. Well we've hit it off and needless to say we are still chillin'. I figured that brief explanation was due.

So anyways! I recently relayed to him my adventures in bookstore land and how I found a smattering of fairy tale compilations in the bargain book sections. All really nice books and they look really cool. Well, he went out and bought me one. :)

I always feel a little weird and awkward when people gift me things because I typically feel undeserving of any kind of act of goodwill. Silly and self-loathing as that sounds, its true. I guess I just feel like I haven't done enough charitable acts to put enough good karma into the ether.

However, I gave my thanks many times over, since I don't want people to feel like I don't appreciate what they do give me. I am always very appreciative, even more so due to the fact that I never feel deserving.

Man, I come off like such a whiner.

So now I am in "What do I do in return?" mode. :) I've got a couple ideas, but y'know, I always appreciate suggestions. :) I guess its important because this is like...the first gift exchange?! Always a momentous occasion! Of which was completely unprompted on my end.

P.S.: He totally knows my LJ and he's nosey so will probably eventually read this! Probably!
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