FIC: The Punch Drunk Suite

Mar 14, 2009 13:42

Title: The Punch Drunk Suite
Author: kimonkey7
Rating: PG-13 for language, violence
Pairings: none (gen) Dean and Sam
SPOILERS/Timeline: Takes place some time around 3X09 (canon timeline speculative)
Disclaimer: Not mine. Damn it.

Summary: Sometimes the only light you can see is the neon glow in the window of a bar.

A/N1: This ficlet was written for the ( Read more... )

birthday, fic, fangirls, writing, spn

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Comments 28

legoline March 14 2009, 18:08:25 UTC
Beautiful writing *nods* I loved the bit about Dean choking up about his watch.


kimonkey7 March 14 2009, 19:27:52 UTC
Sometimes, I think we get hit with reality in weird ways, you know? A song on the radio, an old store receipt you find a coat pocket, something mundane breaks down - and suddenly the weight of the world falls on your shoulders.

Or maybe that's just me. :)



arliss March 15 2009, 07:10:24 UTC
No, that's perfect.

I'm the stoic who doesn't cry at funerals, who shepherds and backpats family and friends, the bulwark, the rock.

Months later a slant of sunlight hits something at just the right angle and I'm a howling puddle of messy tears.

This take on things is perfectly true.


shakespearebint March 14 2009, 18:22:55 UTC
God I think I might die from the angst - nice job!!!


kimonkey7 March 14 2009, 19:28:55 UTC
You might die from angst? Or the extreme pressure of being the most patient person in the universe?

I swear, your fic is the next one I finish.

Thanks so much.

*hugs you*


shakespearebint March 14 2009, 19:47:17 UTC
seriously, don't worry about it - I've just discovered in the last year how impossible it is to write to a deadline - I mean you just CAN'T rush inspiration :-)

btw speaking of Sweet Charity - do you know when their next auction is? Their website doesn't say. I have an impala covered scarf I was going auction off - I'm sure someone would pay a few quid for it and I'm not sure if I can afford to buy fics this time around - being a poor student and all :-)


kimonkey7 March 14 2009, 19:53:08 UTC
I think the last SC auction was...the last. I believe the woman who ran it all was stepping away because it was just too time consuming. But I can't imagine someone won't step up, and I can imagine there won't be other auctions that involve fandom...

Conversely, I bet if you put it up for sale on your LJ, you'd get a taker. Pick your price. I can't imagine girls wouldn't clamor for it, knowing your knitting skills first hand.

Also, mentioning writing: Dragons tells me you sent her your first chapter, and she was quite impressed. So GOOD ON YOU, MY DEAR! :D


unplugged32 March 14 2009, 18:40:05 UTC
I know that alot of people didn't love season three but there was just so much lovely angst there, and I miss it!! This is wonderful...and the last line killed me dead.



kimonkey7 March 14 2009, 19:30:46 UTC
You know, I haven't really written any season four fic...whether because of show itself, or RL, I'm not sure.

And as much as season three disappointed me in many ways, I still find myself going back there. Because I'm such an angst whore.

Thank you.


janissa11 March 14 2009, 18:46:12 UTC
Your icon gave me the giggles.

This series, though -- yeah, not so much with the laughter. Oh DEAN. And it kinda hurts that LAST season's terrible angst feels a little bit like a relief next to THIS season's. :-/

Beautiful as always. *HUGS*


kimonkey7 March 14 2009, 19:38:33 UTC
Dude. quellefromage and I have been peeing our pants over the laser owl since last night. It's actually an add for some LED light that keeps animals out of your yard from the back of her poultry magazine...and I had to make an icon. We've been cracking each other up over it since. We've even rewritten the Hover Bacon song ( ) thusly:

Can you imagine a world with laser owls, pew, pew, pewpew, pew!
They pose more danger than any other fowl, pew, pew, pewpew, pew!
Their heads can swivel in all directions, pew, pew, pewpew, pew!
They'll shoot their lasers and make you loose your bowels, pew, pew, pewpew, pew!


And, yes. Sad fic. Sad, sad, sad. This season has me just sitting and WAITING. I can't even think about it.

*smishes you*


irismay42 March 14 2009, 19:04:29 UTC
Oh man, I so wasn't ready for season 3 angst today! But I loved it all the same! I really liked the imagine of Dean sitting nursing his broken watch as his time runs out. *sniffle*


kimonkey7 March 14 2009, 19:54:49 UTC
Sorry! Looks like you and Dean both got taken by surprise.

*pets you*

Glad you could enjoy it through your sniffles. ;)



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