My brain, ladies and gentlemen...

Feb 04, 2009 12:11

So, I have been sleeping hinky for a couple of days; lots of rockin' and rollin' and weird brief little dreams.

This morning, I woke up through the end of a dream that, IJDK...what on earth is my subconscious trying to work out with this:

A man (whom I did not know from real life or dream life), holding up a rhinestone encrusted pita-pizza with ricotta cheese, mushrooms, and grape tomatoes, screaming, "I REFUSE TO BELIEVE DOLLY PARTON IS MAKING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE THINGS BY HAND!"

No, srsly. My BRAIN, ladies and gents. WTF.

wtf, things with rhinestones, rl, dreams, sleep, food, not writing again, my brain

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