I'm not fucking kidding...

Jan 27, 2009 02:11

Everybody's got kinks - I'm not denying or begrudging...

But if you're on my flist, and I see you out there asking for fucking RPS let's-have-schmoopy-buttsex-to-mourn-the-loss-of-Kim-Manners fic? Consider yourself defriended. I don't have a place for you in my life.

And if this post offends you? Feel free to defriend me - no questions/no worries.

That is all.

ETA: Actually, that's not all. I saw someone else on my flist with a similar post, and they had their comments open, which I didn't here originally. Someone (who's incidently also on my flist) commented on their post that they didn't much care for post which presumed behavior. I can see that, and I understand that, but in a personal LJ, I think it's perfectly all right to say, "Here's what I'm unwilling to tolerate, here's my opinion..."

So, I'm opening up comments here, and if you want to tell me to get bent? Please, feel free. I have always ALWAYS maintained an honest, open, straight-forward, no-holds-barred LJ. If I get to express myself, you should get to, also.

utter disgust, wtf, fangirls, spn, omg

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