A few words about 4X03...and some about 4X01 and 4X02...

Oct 03, 2008 08:33

PLEASE NOTE: I am UNSPOILED for future episodes. Please do not include future conjecture based on spoilers - or actual future ep details - in any comments you may make. THANK YOU.

I've been really...reluctant to share my impressions of season four so far. Those of you who know me well know I was pretty unhappy for most of season three, but because I love my boys, and based on my love for the show up until that point, I chalked it off to falling from the right path and waited for Kripke and the writers to regain their footing. I kept the faith, in other words.

Which is mildly amusing because, well...faith is a hard one for me. Faith in the traditional sense. In the RELIGIOUS sense. So when season four opened with Dean being saved from Hell by an ANGEL? At God's DECREE?

Um... *toes ground* ...I gotta say, a huge part of me wanted to bolt. And definitely a huge part of me disconnected in a big, big way. Because I didn't fall in love with this show because of its similarities to 'Touched By an Angel'. I didn't sign on for Michael Landon and Della Reese. But I kept my mouth shut and my mind open, and I decided to keep the faith in KRIPKE. Decided to swallow most of my disdain for Sera Gamble's - IMHO - really over-inflated shiny new ego. Made a deal with myself to sit quietly and wait...

I'll tell you, when Mary showed up in the shot behind Dean in the alley? I said, OUT LOUD, 'I gotta quit watching this show.' That was my knee-jerk to the idea it was MARY who was a hunter (becase, Jesus on skates, Team Krip - give us a break with the 2X4 gauntlet. No one - including Dean Winchester - needs a freaking CHARM BRACELET to imply huntertude.) Anyway. I digress.

But I held my tongue. I did. Because, yeah, I'll admit. It was a twist that surprised me. And I have to say, I probably enjoyed it much more by NOT being spoiled. *nods sagely* So I held my major judgment and kept watching and was pleased by some of it (oh, Nick P. I'd forgotten how awesome you could be...) and I'll keep my open mind, except to say this:

I was really pissed off Mary made that deal. Not because it perpetuates (or actually, I guess, time-travely-wise, BEGINS) the much-turned hoop of Winchester sacrifice, but because I really didn't want her to be so...stupid. Because there was a point made, a point of putting in her mouth Sam's (mostly) exact words about not wanting a hunting life, about wanting to be safe, about the desire to break the circle. And, yeah...EMOTIONS. I get it. They make us do really STUPID things - believe me, I know this oh, so well... It made me angry. It made me cuss. It made me a little sad that this iconic woman (for both canon and fandom) sort of stumbled from the pedistal a little.

I'm still thinking about this. But that's what I've got so far... None of this reaction is terribly well-though out and goes here unedited, so. Fair warning.

Feel free to chime in.

season four, facepalm, 4x03, 4x01, 4x02, spn

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