Birthday drabble the fourth...and well-wishes.

Aug 11, 2008 08:17

All right. Today I wish good days and happy thoughts and fun, fun, fun to two flisties:

Happy Birthdays to:
brigid_tanner and janissa11!

Hope both your days are filled with glee and cake!

And for tripoli8 - here is your late drabble. It turned out a little...conceptual. Heh.

Word prompt: Freud

“So, alla th’ sudden, I’m wearin’ an engineer’s cap, right? And I’m leadin’ the train through tunnel after tunnel after tunnel…” He paused to fold a stray shred of lettuce into his mouth, lick a stream of orange grease from his palm. “…And I’m just, you know, yankin’ on the whistle cord. All out. Tunnels! Woot woot!” Dean finished, then crammed the remainder of the taco into his mouth.

Sam stared, slack-jawed. “You’re kidding me.”

“Weird dream, huh?” Dean snorted a laugh, oblivious. Splashed salsa inside another crisp corn shell. “Damn, these are good tacos.”

Sam shook his head. “Unbelievable.”

frangirls, drabble, birthday, writing

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