Feb 08, 2008 07:51


Not so much Kripke'd as Kripkechipped.


I guess it's at least good to know that the inside of Dean's head inside my head is pretty close to the inside of Dean's head...inside Dean's head.

Well, I wish I'd started posting "The Sharpness of the Outline" a little earlier, because I clearly had a lead on the roadmap Kripke et al are following. I haven't been reading much fanfic lately, but I'll bet I'm not the only one who watched last night's ep and then wanted to post a giant disclaimer of 'I WROTE THIS BEFORE THE FUCKING EPISODE I SWEAR TO GOD OH FUCK JOHN AND DEAN AND BROKEN SAD DEAN AND OH MY GOD!!!!!11!!'


Last night's ep was the most satisfying so far this season. Kinda bums me out that it took TEN EPISODES to get anywhere near the boys I truly and completely love, but I'm glad we finally got there. I was very satisfied with 3X10 and the character development we got, not that there are any easy fixes, and I'm still wondering how Sam and/or Bobby are going to get Dean out of the deal...

I'm curious to see how many Bobby and Bela Flagstaff fics will appear this week, even though the wash was kind of put on the whole nugget. Could be an interesting one-shot, though I can't myself imagine writing Bela for more than a scene. Also curious, though, how much Bobby/wife fic will show up. I imagine (sadly) some terrible bad fic coming out of that little morsel of canon...ugh. Someone, please do it right. Please. *loves on Bobby*


Real life is nipping at my heels.

And, oh, crap...I've got to go post.

sharpness, writing, 3x10, spn

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