Sep 02, 2005 23:42
I will refrain from writing a big angry rant, as it will just degenerate into lots of curse words and nonsense. The older I get I often feel that I have lost all of my naivety, but this week has made me realize that I still have more to lose. I always assumed that when a disaster occurs in the USA that the government would rush to the victims aid as fast as humanly possible, no questions asked, no obstacle too big. The devastated are number one priority. Obviously everyday poor and hungry people get ignored and pushed between the cracks all the time, but how can you ignore thousands of hungry, desperate people that are plastered all over news stations everywhere. I didn't think it was possible, but it's amazing what more ridiculous things our government keeps pulling. On top of all of this there are ignorant people that actually believe these people don't deserve help. Some lady at my work actually said and I quote "Those people who are complaining about not getting their free handouts fast enough." Since when are food and water, basic necessities of life, free handouts. Since when do we judge those that have lost everything.