Wow. I feel smart. Or After a year and a half I understand.

Mar 06, 2005 13:29

Possibly. It really isn't important why, only the reaction is.

I was a part of OH NOES Drama once myself, and indeed I "made" fandom_wank. It occurred because I took what set me off far too seriously--though I still think confessing you're attracted to a cartoon character because she looks 12 a little too intarweb pedophile for me. The upshot was my journal was invaded by prepubescent boys with too much time on their hands and "superior" l33t speak on their side. It resulted in a few anonymous comments, but nothing more because I had already froze the post and moved on. Those folks were definitely cowardly bullies. It ended quickly because I didn't react to it enough to make

It taught me a valuable lesson. It's just the fucking internet, get over yourself. No one will ever win. No one will ever learn, or be schooled from that kind of exchange. If you think it's truly dangerous or wrong, report it to the proper people and get it done.

As far as being bullied, people can only bully you when you let their judgments of you undermine your self-perception. You compound this by then over-reacting in an attempt to prove to yourself they're wrong and you're right. (The 2nd person was just horribly beaten up here but I'm too lazy to edit it, so it stands.)

It's why the dramastars win. They have nothing at stake. You have a point to prove. One that sets you up for major hurt when someone callously tosses aside one of your core beliefs, but honestly is that their fault? Or yours for not handling your buttons more maturely and effectively.
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