Wed, 20:07: RT @ CW_network: Tune into Arrow now to see how R’as al Ghul made The Canary. Because inspiring masked vigilantes always works out so well f…
Wed, 20:53: RT @ Fangs58: Goofs give some love to @ EmilyBett too #arrow our little girl is all grown up and saving Starling city, wait isn't a Starling …
Wed, 22:30: "My name is Oliver Queen..." elicits from me the same feelings as "Previously on Fringe..." did before every episode. #Arrow#Fringe#feels
Thu, 00:48: RT @ MelbourneStorm: #morecronk is back in the squad and will partner with DCE at five-eighth in the match against Ireland. Full squad http:…
Thu, 08:07: We've lost one of our own today. Such sadness in the #Fringe family. Puts things into perspective very quickly. Goodbye Aimee @ aimeeinchains