Russell Peters, Canadian-based comedian who's funny as hell and as he puts it, uses his humor and jokes to do away with racist stereotypes. My favorite show from him yet is
Outsourced. Conservative, easily offended people may become butthurt by his shows, but then again, if you're a conservative, easily offended, butthurt person ... what are you doing reading my LJ anyway?
Noramimi: In the world of Noramimi families frequently have 'mascots'. Funny characters that live with the family and acts as companions to the children until they grow older. Noramimi is one such mascot. Unfortunately for him, he's of an ogre (well, everyone else thinks he's a monk) type and not popular so he's doing his 'home stay' with Hello Kids, an agency which sets up mascots with families. He really wishes a family would adopt him though ... An adorable, amusing and often sweet Japanese comic.
3. Is it mean of me to want to try a
kangaroo hamburger?
4. Thanks to
cyberducks for posting about this movie:
Let the Right One In. Yeah, it's a vampire film but the reviews for it from critics and viewers have been overwhelmingly positive and full of praise for it. Definitely nothing like *shudder* Twilight. I'll be watching it soon and I'll let you guys know how it is. You can watch the trailer at its website.
I still can't remember what it is I've forgotten. :P