Ten Random Things About Me
10. I'm missing 2/3 of the data I need to make my group's presentation for tomorrow.
9. I've had Bug A Boo in my head for a whole day.
8. I learned to circle-breathe a few weeks ago via Car Bomb chugging.
7. My CADLab user ID is ME4041ab.
6. I had Iron City Beer last Sunday.
5. My network card at home needs replaced.
4. I owe GT Dental $99, but I have no cavities.
3. I claim to have had five boyfriends, ever.
2. I do crunches/leg lifts every evening.
1. My cat is going on 13 years old.
Nine Things I Like To Wear
9. Skirts
8. Ribbons
7. Rings
6. Mary Janes
5. My bathing suit top
4. Watch
3. Little grey shorts
2. A Kyle
1. Contacts
Eight Things I Want To Do Before I Die
8. Graduate
7. Get married
6. Tour Europe
5. See Tech beat UGA
4. See the Steelers win the Superbowl
3. Design my own house
2. Take a cruise
1. Be totally, completely happy
Seven Ways To Win My Heart
7. Take time out of your life for me
6. Give me little things that show you care and mean the world
5. Kissy
4. Don't rush the sexual
3. Let me meet your family
2. Share musical experiences with me
1. Just hold me
It took Kyle less than a day. Kyle is amazing.
Six Things I Believe In
6. Love
5. Love
4. Love
3. Love
2. Love
1. Love
Five Things I'm Afriad Of
5. Being on the ground during a plane crash
4. Natural disasters
3. Losing Kyle
2. Left turns and merging
1. Plants
Four Of My Favorite Items in my Bedroom
4. Bed
3. Books
2. Kissy bears
1. ???
Three Lyrics to Songs I Love
3. "The only thing that matters is just following your heart; And eventually you'll finally get it right"
2. "That girl was a wild child dreamer but she found herself; Cuz she believes in nothing else; You'll look back and you won't believe that girl was me"
1. "Live right now-Just be yourself; It does't matter if it's good enough for someone else"
Eh, I didn't wanna think, so I just reloaded my webpage a few times.
Two Things I'm Trying Not to do Right Now
2. 4053 lab report
1. Eh, I think that's it.
One Person I would Love to See Right Now
1. Kyle, of course!