(no subject)

Apr 24, 2018 06:12

Hello all who still come here...

I spend most of my time being a mom, a nurse, and a fanfic reader and a tumblr nut. Is LJ still alive and well? I haven't posted anything for years and I think it was because of what happened with Wayne and the heartbreak that ensued. Believe it or not, I still read Spuffy and still love that fandom cause it was my first.

I hate how so many sites have gone down in recent years in a lot of fandoms along with stories that are left unfinished..I currently read in Sherlock/John, Drarry and Harry and Louis from One Direction that my daughter dragged me in..luckily I know of others my age so I don't feel that odd, LOL. I also love Olivia and Barba, from SVU and I will never turn my back on Spike and Buffy. I used to read Hermione and Draco but just can't seem to stay away from Harry and Draco with occasional Snape included. Hey, who can resist that voice? I have a thing for deep male voices so that is why I love Sherlock...

I used to spend a lot of time here and am going to try and come back more often...I do miss everyone and hope you don't hate me for the long absence...life sure has a way of dragging you down...



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