Dec 21, 2007 15:36
Finally, vacation started a few days ago. ^^
I hadn't noticed this the past few years, but vacation is actually short. It's only one week and a weekend. Srsly, I thought it was like... two weeks? XO They ripped us off!
Need to make a list of things to do this break.
1. Learn to break an egg with only one hand (no life, I know -___-)
2. Find book for history class
3. Do spanish project and study
4. Update LJ more often >__<
5. SHOPPINGU!!!~ There's no way mom will let me.
Nothing interesting happened so far. I've always wanted to go somewhere for break, even if it was only a few miles away, somewhere significant. I'm fantasizing about sitting in a barren plain and seeing snowy mountains in the distance while the sun rises. Will it ever happen?
I've always wanted to run through a meadow of golden flowers and taking naps on nice green hills. Where can I find those places? Are they far away, or down the next street?
Still need to find a gift for the gift exchange tomorrow.
1. What is your name? (could be your full name or nickname)
= Kimmy, Kim Squared, ect
2. When were you born?
= Jan. 18th, 1994
3. Where were you born?
= SF, California. It's sunny there, even in the winter. :O I miss California.
4. Where are you currently residing?
= Washington! Somewhere cold, bleak, and boring. I wish I was back in Singapore now, or California. Either one is nice.
5. How many languages do you speak?
= English, French, some Spanish, some Japanese, Cantonese, a bit of Taiwanese. I think I'm missing something... :O
6. Do you have any siblings?
= Two younger siblings, both equally annoying and loud.
7. Would you show us your childhood pics?
= I don't have too many, and I can't find them. But there was one with my in a watermelon dress. >__<;;;
8. How did you spend your childhood?
= Observing the world, drawing, reading, doing work, sitting in the sun OwO. I went to the park a lot and refused to walk barefoot in the grass. I was also very jealous of my brother when he was born because he got all Mom's attention, so I hated him a lot. Didn't really have a lot of friends like I do now.
9. Any childhood dreams?
= Once I woke up in my crib and thought I saw an astronaut in the doorway, waving at me, so I waved back and then fell asleep again. Another dream was of me being eaten by a giant. It was crunching my toes, and then I woke up and my toes were stuck in the metal bars of the crib. >___<
10. Did it come true?
= Some of my dreams came true. They still do. But the happy dreams never come true.
11. Most memorable childhood moment
= I was around four and I was sitting on a metal structure at the park, and one boy called me "Poopy Head". -____- God.
12. Current occupation
= Student. Good student. >:O
13. Past jobs
= Student. Semi-good student.
14. Dream job
= Artist. Doesn't earn enough money though.
15. How do you see yourself 10 years from now?
= Finishing college, being somewhat confused with life.
16. Do you have any pets?
= I have a pet named Kamenashi Turtle. He lives on my backpack in a keychain. :3 Should post pictures of him.
17. Please show us the contents of your bag
= Uh. Papers, binders, notebooks, pencils, Geometry book, science textbook... books. Lots of them. Kamenashi Turtle. Uh... pencils. Calculator.
18. Something you must always have with you at all times
= My head. XO
19. What or who is on the wallpaper of your cell phone?
= Spudnick I made in Switzerland. It's a lime green foam ball with eyes and random metal objects stuck in it. But I can't use my cellphone anymore because I'm locked out of it. Darn PIN codes. >:(
20. How do you define your style?
= Not too fashionable. XD Somewhat carefree, very casual. No skirts. No frilly things. XO
21. Favorite fashion brand
= Any fashion brand, as long as it looks nice.
22. What’s your favorite cartoon? (could be an anime, if you want)
= Uh. XO
23. Favorite TV show
= Uh. XO <---- Lack of watching TV
24. What were you good at in school?
= Everything. (except public speaking)
25. Who can you do an impersonation of?
= Angry asian mom. >:) My friends always crack up when I say "Yo no hablo espanol!" with that accent. >_<
26. Something that you would call yourself
= Kimmy? :O Idiot?
27. What do you collect?
28. What is the most expensive thing that you have ever bought?
= Uh. A shirt... for $30. ;__;
29. What was the best present you have ever received?
= Life. ^^
30. Do you play any musical instruments?
= Piano. I play for one hour a day usually. I used to take lessons, but I hated them so I just play for enjoyment now.
31. What is your first impression of KAT-TUN?
= I saw KAT-TUN's Real Face PV and immediately flailed over Kame. Whenever I watched Real Face, I was angry at Jin because I thought Kame should get all the spotlight so I was always thinking "GAH! JIN AGAIN? OUT OUT! >:O WANNA SEE KAME!" But now I love them both. ^^
32. When or how did you first learn of them?
= My mom downloads the top hits for Japan, so we watched Real Face together. It was instant love. >:3
33. How long have you been a fan of them?
= Since two years ago? ...About?
34. What do you think makes them different from the other JE groups?
= They're more like... "bad boy" type instead of the fluffy happy JE groups.
35. Being a KAT-TUN fan, what is the craziest thing you’ve done?
= I cut my own hair, and then I looked like Kame for a while. XO My friends thought I was a guy when I walked down the hall.
36. To what lengths can you show or prove that you’re a fan?
= I will show them my KAT-TUN folder. -___-
37. Do you have anything in common with them?
= Um... I can sympathize with Junno a lot. He's always getting kicked around and has to keep a smile on his face, even if he feels bad.
38. Is there something that you like for them to change?
= They should abuse Koki instead of Junno. >:( Junno can do the introductions for cKT and then kick Koki.
39. Do you think they lack something?
= They lack member ai that NEWS has. And they lack good costumes. XO
40. Let’s say they can sing any song in any language, what would you have them sing for you?
= Ave Maria, the Korean version. XD Wonder who could hit the high notes.
41. What other JE groups do you like?
42. Other music aside from JE?
= Gackt, Hyde, L'arc en ciel, George Winston.
43. Is there anything you want to say to Johnny?
= GIVE US MOAR FANSERVICE. RAWR. >:P Also, find better costume designers.
44. What’s your favorite KT costume?
= Jin's Pinky costume. XO Minus the extremely long shirt. Also Ueda's pretty shirts.
45. What can you beat KAT-TUN in?
= Grades. AHAHA. <---- nerd
46. What do you want to do for them?
= Make them happy after a long day of work. ^^ Show them what a normal life is like.
47. What do you want to teach them?
= Proper eating manners, pronunciation of foreign languages.
48. What do you want them to teach you? (What do you want to learn from them?)
= How to speak casual Japanese. XO
49. Something that you want to do together
= Truth or Dare, play Chinese Checkers. *nudge nudge wink wink*
50. What is your special skill?
= Drawing and impressing other people's parents. Especially asian parents. >:)
51. What do you think separates you from other people?
= I'm too tolerant of some things. I also don't show my feelings when I'm angry... but I've never felt very angry before.
52. Is there something that you want to try the most?
= Making friends with everyone.
53. What have you been currently working hard on?
= Making my life more organized, being a better friend, having a better start to every day.
54. Something that has caught your attention recently
= Lately, I noticed how selfish and ruthless people can be.
55. What do you like doing best?
= Lying in bed for an hour before getting up, laughing until I can't breathe, being close to my friends, feeling free.
56. What is your best characteristic?
= I don't usually fail at things like tests or projects. (except life) I'm also good with languages.
57. What is your bad habit?
= Taking too long in the shower. Even if I take a short shower, I take too long to get dressed or blow dry my hair.
58. Do you have any fetishes?
= Not that I KNOW of... o___o
59. How do you release your stress?
= Set deadlines for myself, try to motivate myself.
60. What activity completes your day?
= Giving my friends hugs.
61. Do you have a favorite saying?
= Ohmygosh! (complete with flail and putting hands to mouth, usually results in "Aww! CUTE! >W<" reaction from certain people)
62. What motivates you in life?
= To meet my parent's expectations.
63. Where do you take inspiration from?
= Life. Life in general.
64. In the future, I want to ________
= Make even more friends!
65. What was the best thing that happened in your life?
= I don't know yet. I won't know till I die. XO
66. Most embarrassing?
= Forgot to lock bathroom door at school when I had to "go", you know the rest. >__<
67. What is the funniest story that you could share?
= When I was in Switzerland, my uncle made me smell one of the roses in his backyard which was especially fragrant and he made a big deal about it and then asked me "What did it smell like?" "...a rose. -___-;;" "Wow... you're romantic. -____-" "..."
68. When was your first love?
= Never. XO
69. Describe him
= Uh... nothing?
70. What action from a guy makes your heart flutter?
= When he says something really out of character, something sweet that stands out.
71. What qualities do you look for in a man?
= Must be a law-abiding-citizen. >_____>
72. What type do you hate?
= Someone who doesn't respect others, especially women. Someone who doesn't realize they are looked down upon.
73. What does a guy do to turn you off?
= Bad breath, body odor, food in teeth, bad manners, bad language in front of elders, bad hygine. Everything bad. >:O
74. The easiest way to your heart?
= House always smells like good food. :3 Cuddly, even in public. Truly caring.
75. The meanest way to be broken up with?
= To be ignored. TToTT
76. What kind of people can’t you stand?
= Ones who don't consider others around them, that talk with a sort of arrogance, and don't know when to shut up. >__<
77. Favorite food
= Good food. :3
78. Something that you do not like eating
= Natto. WAAAAAAAAH! TToTT My brother cries whenever he sees it, I would too. I don't like eating tongues or livers either. Too much of a bloody taste.
79. Something that you would recommend to someone visiting your country
= Sightseeing, shopping. :3 Actually USA doesn't have much special stuff. Concert, perhaps.
80. What would you cook for KAT-TUN?
= Rib eye steak. :3
81. What would you like to show them?
= Japanese influence in the USA. XD
82. Any CM you would like them to do?
= Host Club commerical! XDDDDDDDDDDDD LOL.
83. When are you at your happiest?
= Feeling like nothing is pushing me down.
84. What is it your most afraid of?
= Potato eyes.. when you leave them in the dark, they start sprouting eyes. They freak me out. o___o *inches away*
85. What makes you throw a tantrum?
= Horrible sounds that grate against your ears. That type of thing.
86. What new segment do you want CTKT to have?
= Fanservice segment. XDDD
87. Anyone you want them as a guest?
= Gackt. I wanna see Ueda fangirl fanboy over him.
88. Who is your fave KAT-TUN member?
= Jin. :333333
89. Do you have anything you have in common with him?
= Jawline.. I suppose. :O
90. How did you end up liking him?
= I was brainwashed with picspams. XD
91. If you could say ONE SENTENCE to him, what would it be?
= DAISUKIIII!!!!! *flail*
92. More importantly, if you won a date with him, where do you want him to take you? (date… and otherwise. *wink* *wink* *nudge*)
= I would want to watch fireworks with him on a hillside and something sweet to eat.
93. What is the best gift that you want to receive from him?
= A genuine smile. ^^
94. Who do you want as your boyfriend?
= Kame. :3 I think he'd be very loyal and caring.
95. Your best friend?
= Junno. We could play video games together and make up lame jokes and crack up at them while everyone just stares. We also have about the same amount of energy.
96. Your husband?
= Someone who can get high off air on a good day and laugh for an hour straight without getting tired... Jin probably. Also has to be good with kids. @__@
97. Your brother?
= Maru. He's funny. >wwww< Would probably be an older brother.
98. Your pet?
= Ueda. :3 I don't know why, but I can imagine him as a pet. A really fluffy, cuddly pet.
99. Your distant cousin?
= Koki. He's the type I wouldn't talk to much, but would be able laugh without hesitation when we saw each other.
100. What song would you want them to perform for you? (after the interview)
= Murasaki, and then Peaceful Days.
That took a whole hour. o________________o;;