Hmm, what to say

Nov 26, 2012 03:41

I'm not one to bare my soul on this thing, so I rarely know what to say. I don't have facebook or twitter or any of those other social media thingies. Everything is a thingie with me. I figure I'm only writing this to have a placeholder for November 2012.

I'm looking forward to seeing season 3 of Downton Abbey. I guess I'm what's called an Anglophile? Britophile? love most things British/Scottish/Irish - mainly UK-ish. I watch a lot of British comedies, and crime dramas. I'm currently watching my way through original Primeval to get ready for Primeval:New World premiere in US. Too bad it's on the channel that shall not be named.

What great fare they have for us next Saturday night - DragonWasps .... come on, REALLY!

Just recently read the first four books of Elly Griffith's - Ruth Galloway Mysteries. I enjoyed them very much. Her main characters are well fleshed out and have enough personality and foibles to seem real. Her use of description and setting are masterful. That 3rd book (The House at Sea's End) was a good puzzle.

I've run through my recent purchases of Brad Thor and Vince Flynn and am plunging into James Rollins again - some of his older stuff that I've had on my shelves but not read yet. Jeremy Robinson is in the car for times when I need a read and am stuck somewhere. Mark Shepard's "Kris Longknife" series is waiting along with Jack Campbell's "Black Jack Geary's Lost Fleet" books are pulling at me too.

I've even picked up a Star Trek: TNG set of books by David Mack - the Destiny series. OMGosh, If only Gene Roddenberry had allowed his characters to live and breath like they do in this book - those series would have been outstanding and not merely entertaining in a frustrated sort of way. I love Patrick Stewart, he's a terrific actor. However, that man was rarely given enough to work with to move his character in a large fashion on TNG. Deep Space Nine was the only modern Star Trek that had real consequences for it's characters. It was the best written of (not the 2nd season) the five incarnations.

And still I live and breath SGU. I can't get that show out of my head and right now I don't want to. It's not perfect - nothing can ever be that, but it speaks to me on so many levels. It brought Louis Ferreira to the forefront for me, even though I had seen him in other things and not realized it, SGU sung him into my mind and soul.

It's curious that I'm defining my life in terms of entertainment. Books and tv shows. Is that sad? I have a cat, I can't be all bad. And as I said, I don't spew forth on the internet - I guess I'm old fashioned that way. Only two and a half weeks until I cross over into that next great demographic group ... advertiser's won't care what I think then.

[pimp]: louis ferreira, [j]: late nights, [e]: books, [a]: kimmy4eytj, [e]: tv, [j]: life, [f]: stargate universe, [pimp]: patrick stewart

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